职       称:讲师



联系地址:610500 四川省成都市新都区新都大道85号金沙娱场城app7979 



●2013.09-2017.06    金沙娱场城app7979 石油工程,学士

●2017.09-2020.06    金沙娱场城app7979 油气井工程,硕士

●2018.07-2019.09    英国谢菲尔德大学,能源工程,硕士

●2020.09-2024.09    中国石油大学(北京),动力工程及工程热物理,博士










●Zhang T H,Zhao H B,Du H C,et al. Thermodynamic performance study of a novel cogeneration system combining solid oxide fuel cell,gas turbine,organic Rankine cycle with compressed air energy storage[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2021,249:14837. (中科院1区,IF=11.5)

●Zhang T H,Zhao H B,Kong M. Thermodynamic performance study of a combined cooling,heat and power system based on low temperature compression heat on decomposing methanol on a combination of SOFC,CAES and ARC[J]. Journal of Energy Storage,2024,95:12119. (中科院2区,IF=8.9)

●Tang M,Zhang T H,He S M,et al. Modelling of laminar flow in an eccentric elliptical annulus for YPL fluid[J]. Journal of natural gas science and engineering,2019,64. ( 中科院2区,IF=4.6)

●张泰恒,赵洪滨,杜辉成,等.新型空气储能式化学链联产系统热力性能研究[J].工程热物理学报,2024,45(8):2245-2252. (中文核心)

●Zhao H B,Du H C,Zhang T H,et al. Thermodynamic performance study of hydrogen oxygen combined cycle with high-pressure Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Cell for hydrogen energy storage[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2022,268:116019. (中科院1 区 )

●Zhao H B,Lu R H,Zhang T H. Thermodynamic and economic performance study of SOFC combined cycle system using biomass and LNG coupled with CO2 recovery[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2023,280:116817. (中科院1区)

●Zhao H B,Du H C,Peng Z X,Zhang T H. Thermodynamic and economic performance analysis of a novel energy storage system consist of asymmetric PEMEC and SOFC combined cycle[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2023,286:117077.

●Zhao H B,Wang H,Du H C,Zhao Z F,Zhang T H. Thermodynamic performance study of a new diesel-fueled CLHG/SOFC/STIG cogeneration system with CO2 recovery[J]. Energy,2022,246:123326. (中科院1区)


●Zhang T H,Zhao H B. Thermodynamic analysis of a new hybrid system combined power and heat integrated solid oxide fuel cell,gas turbine,Rankine steam cycle with compressed air energy storage[C]. Germany:The International Conference of Applied Energy,2022-08-06.






