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职        称:讲师
导师 资格:硕导
所属 部门:海洋油气工程研究所
学科 专业:海洋油气工程

研究 方向:海洋钻井、完井防砂、海上天然气水合物开采、机器学习与大数据的理论研究和技术应用
联系 方式:jzsong@swpu.edu.cn;pete.songjinze@qq.com

联系 地址:610500成都市新都区新都大道85号金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院

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  • 博士(后),讲师,在美国读博期间参与多项工业界合作项目,多次获得校级“Achievement for Academic Excellence”奖项;参加工作后获得四川省高层次海外留学人才称号、“Wiley威立中国开放科学年度作者”等奖励。发表学术论文16篇,申请/授权专利7件,登记软件著作权1件,参与书籍编写1部;担任《Energies》《Natural Resource Development》《Processes》等SCI期刊审稿人,《当代化工研究》编委;多次获得校级/院级教学奖项,目前承担教学任务课程为《海洋平台与结构工程》(专业核心课)与《海洋油气工程专业英语》。


    ●2007.09-2011.06    中国石油大学(北京),勘查技术与工程,学士
    ●2012.08-2014.12    University of Louisiana at Lafayette,石油与天然气工程,硕士
    ●2015.01-2018.12    University of Louisiana at Lafayette,石油与天然气工程,博士
    ●2018.05-2018.12    Pegasus Vertex,Inc.,软件测试工程师
    ●2019.09-至今          金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师




    ●Song J Z,Fu J H,Xiong Y M,et al. State-of-the-art brief review on sanding problem of offshore natural gas hydrates sediments[J]. Energy Science & Engineering,2021,10(1):253-273.(SCI收录)
    ●Song J Z,Li Y H,Liu S,et al. Comparison of machine learning algorithms for sand production prediction:an example for a gas hydrate-bearing sand case[J]. Energies,2022,15(18):6509-6509.(SCI收录)
    ●Jiang S X,Song J Z,Liu C,et al. Heat transfer study in the exploitation of argillaceous‐silt natural gas hydrate reservoirs[J]. Energy Science & Engineering,2022,2023(11):241-266.(SCI收录)
    ●Tang T,Zhu H J,Song J Z,et al,The state-of-the-art review on the wake alteration of a rotating cylinder and the associated interaction with flow-induced vibration[J]. Ocean Engineering,2022,254:111340.(SCI收录)
    ●Song J Z,Jiang S X. The application of numerical simulation in the adjustment of polymer floods in the oilfield[J]. China Petroleum and Chemical Industry,2011,248:90-91.
    ●Song J Z,Guo B Y,Lee J,et al. Application of lean tools in the oil field safety management[J]. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,2016,6(11):58-67.
    ●Guo B Y,Song J Z. An improved model for predicting fluid temperature in deep wells[J]. Mathematical Modelling in Engineering Applications,2016,1(1):20-25.
    ●Guo B Y,Song J Z,Lee J. Prediction of the maximum allowable bottom hole pressure in CO2 injection wells[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering,2017,156:575-581. (SCI收录)
    ●Guo B Y,Song J Z,David O U. An experiment investigation of the critical flowback velocity in hydraulic-fracturing shale gas wells[J]. Hydraulic Fracturing Journal,2014,12:19-25.
    ●Guo B Y,Li J,Song J Z,et al. Mathematical modeling of heat transfer in counter-current multiphase flow found in gas-drilling systems with formation fluid influx[J]. Petroleum Science,2017,14(4):711-719. (SCI收录)
    ●Jiang S X,Mokhtari M,Song J Z. Comparative study of elastic properties of marl and limestone layers in the Eagle Ford formation[J]. Front. Earth Sci.,2023,10:1075151.(SCI收录)
    ●Guo B Y,Li G,Song J Z. An analytical thermal-model for optimization of gas-drilling in unconventional tight-sand reservoirs[J]. Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering,2016,4(2):108-126.
    ●Guo B Y,Li G,Song J Z,et al. A feasibility study of gas-lift drilling in unconventional tight oil and gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2017(37):551-559. (SCI收录)
    ●Zhu H J,Tang T,Md. M A,Song J Z et al,Flow-induced rotation of a circular cylinder with a detached splitter plate and its bifurcation behavior[J]. Applied Ocean Research,2022,122:103150.(SCI收录)
    ●Zhu H J,Tang T,Yang H H,Wang J L,Song J Z,et al,The state-of-the-art brief review on piezoelectric energy harvesting from flow-induced vibration[J]. Shock and Vibration,2021:861821.(SCI收录)
    ●Song J Z,McCormick J,Liu G F. T&D challenges running casing in extended reach wells[C]. Denver,Colorado:the AADE 2019 National Fluids Technical Conference and Exhibition,April 10,2019.
    ●刘帅,宋金泽,姜淑贤,朱红钧,等.一种以振抑振的钻柱纵向振动抑制装置:CN116537712A[P]. 2023-08-04.
    ●宋金泽,刘帅,姜淑贤,朱红钧,等.一种自适应式的海洋丛式立管姿态调整装置及方法:CN117090519A[P]. 2023-11-21.
    ●宋金泽,周水根,刘帅,朱红钧,等.一种自适应柔性跨接管段塞流消除装置:CN117231848A[P]. 2023-12-15.
    ●宋金泽,熊友明,姜淑贤,等.一种用于海洋水合物生产的防砂装置:202210457756.3[P]. 2022-12-13.
    ●宋金泽,李茜,刘帅,等.一种采储卸一体化的导管架平台:CN202123319593.2[P]. 2022-05-06.
    ●宋金泽,李宇昊,姜淑贤,等.基于机器学习的钻井钻速应用软件:2021SR1980497[CP/CD]. 2021-12.
    ●傅剑煌,熊友明,宋金泽,等.一种海域天然气水合物气液固三相分离器:202023181095.1[P]. 2021-08-31.

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