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职       称:讲师
所属 部门:油气储运工程研究所
学科 专业:油气储运工程
研究 方向:气体分离与液化、低温碳捕集理论与技术、油气储运系统节能减排、热力系统仿真与优化
联系 方式:17854222029;202399010069@swpu.edu.cn;heting199503@163.com


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  • 何婷,博士,讲师,2023年获上海交通大学-挪威科技大学(Norwegian University of Science and Technology)双博士学位。主要从事气体分离与液化、低温碳捕集理论与技术、油气储运系统节能减排、热力系统仿真与优化等方面的研究工作,包括高含乙烷天然气液化及碳捕集工艺,天然气制氢中变气低温碳捕集理论与技术,多元物系相平衡理论,大规模相变储能系统,中低温余热利用等。主研/参研国家自然科学基金面上项目等纵向课题3项、校企合作横向项目6项;以第一作者在《Energy Conversion and Management》《Energy》《Applied Thermal Engineering》等能源领域top期刊上发表论文20余篇(其中SCI收录10篇,影响因子累计超70,EI收录2篇);担任《Soft Computing》《Journal of Energy Science and Technology》等期刊审稿专家。


    ●2014.09-2018.06    中国石油大学(华东),油气储运工程,学士
    ●2018.09-2023.06    上海交通大学,动力工程及工程热物理,博士
    ●2021.10-2022.11    挪威科技大学,能源与过程工艺系,双学位博士联合培养(国家留学基金委资助)
    ●2023.09-至今     金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师


    ●挪威SINTEF Energy研究所项目,质子膜重整制氢剩余气碳捕集系统研究,2022.01-2022.12,主研


    ●HE T,SI B,GUNDERSEN T,et al. Integrated ethane recovery and cryogenic carbon capture in a dual mixed refrigerant natural gas liquefaction process[J]. Energy,2024:130125.(SCI,中科院一区)
    ●HE T,LIU Z,SON H,et al. Comparative analysis of cryogenic distillation and chemical absorption for carbon capture in integrated natural gas liquefaction processes[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,383(1):135264. (SCI,中科院一区)
    ●HE T,LIN W,DU Z. Measurement and theoretical calculation of CO2 solubility data in liquid CH4+C2H6 mixtures at cryogenic temperatures[J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2022,67(10):3222-3233. (SCI)
    ●HE T,LIN W,DU Z. Design and analysis of cascade liquefaction processes for coproducing liquid ethane and LNG[J]. International Journal of Energy Research,2022,46:9794-9811. (SCI)
    ●He T,LIN W. Energy saving and production increase of mixed refrigerant natural gas liquefaction plants by taking advantage of natural cold sources in winter[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,299(12):126884. (SCI,中科院一区)
    ●HE T,LIN W. Design and analysis of dual mixed refrigerant processes for high-ethane content natural gas liquefaction[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2021,29:354-364.(SCI)
    ●HE T,LIN W. Energy saving research of natural gas liquefaction plant based on waste heat utilization of gas turbine exhaust[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,2020,225:113468. (SCI,中科院一区)
    ●HE T,LIN W. A novel propane pre-cooled mixed refrigerant process for coproduction of LNG and high purity ethane[J]. Energy,2020,202:117784. (SCI,中科院一区)
    ●HE T,LIN W. Design and optimization of nitrogen expansion liquefaction processes integrated with ethane separation for high ethane-content natural gas[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,173:115272. (SCI)
    ●HE T,LIN W. Design and optimization of integrated single mixed refrigerant processes for coproduction of LNG and high-purity ethane[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration,2020,119:216-226. (SCI)
    ●XU J,HE T,LIN W. Experimental and theoretical study of CO2 solubility in liquid CH4/H2 mixtures at cryogenic temperatures[J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,2021,66:2844-2855. (SCI)
    ●LIU Z,HE T,KIM D,et al. Optimal utilization of compression heat in liquid air energy storage[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2023,62(12):5097-5108. (SCI)
    ●HAI H,WANG S,HE T,et al. Numerical study of the falling film thickness around the tube bundle with different spacings between spray holes and tubes under tilt and sloshing conditions[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,138:184-193. (SCI)
    ●何婷,林文胜.基于余热利用的活化MDEA法脱除CO2的天然气液化系统[J].化工学报,2021,72(S1):453-460. (EI)
    ●何婷,林文胜.高含乙烷天然气氮膨胀液化分离流程[J].化工学报,2018,69(S2):236-241. (EI)
    ●何婷,林文胜. LNG冷能利用新技术[J]. 深冷技术,2021(3):9.
    ●熊晓俊,何婷,林文胜.利用常温压缩机处理LNG接收站BOG的工艺探讨[J].化工学报,2018,69(S2):435-440. (EI)
    ●苏品锐,何婷,林文胜. 天然气液化过程的余热利用与低温碳捕集[J]. 制冷技术,2024.(录用)
    ●HE T,GUNDERSEN T,LIN W. Integrated ethane recovery and cryogenic carbon capture in a dual mixed refrigerant natural gas liquefaction process[R]. Shanghai:3rd International Conference for Global Chinese Academia on Energy and Built Environment,2023.
    ●HE T,GUNDERSEN T,LIN W. Novel integrated system for cryogenic CO2 capture and liquefaction of natural gas using natural refrigerants[R]. Trondheim,Norway:15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants,2022.
    ●HE T,GUNDERSEN T,LIN W. Design and analysis of a single mixed refrigerant natural gas liquefaction process integrated with ethane recovery and carbon removal using cryogenic distillation[R]. Kyoto,Japan:The 14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering-PSE 2021+,2022.
    ●SU P,HE T,LIN W. Waste heat utilization and CO2 capture in a cascade natural gas liquefaction system[R]. Shanghai:3rd International Conference for Global Chinese Academia on Energy and Built Environment,2023.
    ●何婷,林文胜,基于低温精馏脱碳的含乙烷天然气液化流程[R]. 上海:2020年中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术年会,2020.
    ●何婷,林文胜,基于余热利用的活化MDEA法脱除CO2的天然气液化系统[R]. 湖南 长沙:第十一届全国制冷空调新技术会议,2020.
    ●何婷,林文胜,高含乙烷天然气C3MR液化分离流程[R].云南 玉溪:第十四届全国低温工程大会,2019.
    ●何婷,林文胜,高含乙烷天然气氮膨胀液化分离流程研究[R]. 上海:第五届中国液化天然气论坛录,2018.

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