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博导/硕导: 硕导
所属 部门: 储运所
学科 专业: 油气储运工程
研究 方向: 油气集输工艺理论与技术、油气储运设施安全技术
联系 方式: 13981806835
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  •         主要从事油气储运工程教学与研究和储运地面工程设计。讲授《油气矿场集输》、《液化天然气集输》、《油库设计与管理》、《储运工程优化设计》等课程。兼职南充市金沙娱场城app7979设计研究院有限责任公司副院长,中国天然气行业联合会专家委员会专家,四川省石油与天然气安全生产专家,天然气工业审稿专家。完成科研项目50余项,主编《液化天然气供应技术》和《城市燃气安全管理》、参与多部专著撰写,获得实用新型专利和发明专利4项,发表论文100余篇,其中EI 20余篇,SCI 8篇。


    ●1981.09—1985.07 西南石油学院,油气储运,学士
    ●1985.07—1993.03 西南石油学院,机械系,助教
    ●1993.04—1995.07 西南石油学院,机械系,讲师
    ●1995.09—1998.07 电子科技大学,计算机应用,硕士
    ●1998.09—1999.12 西南石油学院,机械系,讲师
    ●1999.12—2000.12 西南石油学院,石油工程学院,讲师
    ●2001.02—2008.11 金沙娱场城app7979,石油工程学院,副教授
    ●2008.12—至今 金沙娱场城app7979,石油与天然气工程学院,教授




    ●黄坤,吕亦瑭,卢泓方,等.一种仰角式油水分离器[P]. 中国:ZL201520058851.1,2015-01-28.
    (4)公开发表论文100余篇,其中EI 20余篇,SCI 8篇
    ●Huang K,Lu H F,Shen K R,et al. Study on buttresses distance of gas pipelines in the deviated well based on stress analysis method[J]. Advance Journal of Food Science & Technology,2013,5(9):1249-1254.
    ●Li X,Kun H,Lu H F,et al. Stress Analysis of Suspended Gas Pipeline[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials,2013,448-453(25-26):1359-1362.
    ●Liu Y H,Huang K,Xian Y,et al. Based on combined model of refined oil sales forecast[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials,2013,448-453:4262-4266.
    ●Huang K,Shen K R,Xian Y. Natural gas pipeline commissioning displacement nitrogen injection capacity calculation study[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials,2013,321-324:278-281.
    ●Huang K,Xian Y,Shen K R. Study on the influencing factors of gas mixing length in nitrogen displacement of gas pipeline[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials,2013,321-324:299-304.
    ●Huang K,Lu H,Pan W,et al. Research on scaling and wax deposit mechanisms of frp oil pipelines[J]. Asian Journal of Chemistry,2014,26(17):5574-5578.
    ●Lv Y T,Huang K,Huang C,et al. The optimization of injection and gathering system in salt cavern gas storage[J]. Journal of Viral Hepatitis,2014,1030-1032(2):1366-1369.
    ●Huang K,Lv Y T,Huang Cheng,et al. Prediction of CNG automobile ownership by using the combined model[J]. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,2014(7).
    ●Wu X,Lu H,Huang K,et al. Mathematical model of leakage during pressure tests of oil and gas pipelines[J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice,2015,6(4):04015001.
    ●Wu X,Lu H,Huang K,et al. Frequency spectrum method-based stress analysis for oil pipelines in earthquake disaster areas[J]. PLoS one,2015,10(2):e0115299.
    ●Lu H,Huang K,Wu S,et al. Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang tunnel crossing project[J]. 2015,3(3):141-156.
    ●Lv Y,Huang K,Cheng H,et al. Influence factor research on deacidification process for high carbon content gas field by numerical simulation—a case study of the Oudeh gas field[J]. Springerplus,2015,4(1):1-13.
    ●Huang K,Wu J,Hu M,et al. Optimization and stress analysis of underground oil pipelines in high and steep slope areas[J]. Open Civil Engineering Journal,2015,9(1):477-483.
    ●Lu H,Huang K,Wu S. Vibration and stress analyses of positive displacement pump pipeline systems in oil transportation stations[J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice,2015,7(1):05015002.
    ●Kong L Z,Shuai J,Huang K,et al. True stress-logarithmic strain curves test of pipeline steels using 3D digital image correlation. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid[J]. Communications,2015,9:1390-1398.
    ●Huang K,Wu J L,Lu H F,et al. FRP crude pipeline shows thermal superiority to steel[J]. Oil & Gas Journal,2016,114(1):76-83.
    ●Huang K,Li X,Zhang Y. Stress analysis of suspended pipe partially buried in linear elastic soil[J]. The Open Civil Engineering Journal,2016,10(1):161-169.
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