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职        称:研究员
所属 部门:储运所
学科 专业:油气储运工程
研究 方向:储运系统安全韧性、燃爆事故防控、监检测技术与完整性管理
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  • 陈超,博士(后),研究员,四川省青年科技人才,四川省海外高层次留学人才;2021年获荷兰代尔夫特理工大学博士学位;主要从事油气储运系统安全韧性、燃烧与爆炸、氢能安全、自然灾害、监检测技术与完整性管理等方面的研究工作;主持/参与英国科研项目、荷兰科研项目、国家重大专项、国家自然基金等科研项目10余项;出版世界顶级学术出版社Springer与Elsevier专著6部;发表论文30余篇,其中SCI收录论文26篇,ESI高被引论文3篇;ESI热点论文2篇,论文总引用超700次,单篇最高引用超100次;申请国家专利9项,已授权发明专利6项;担任《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》《Safety Science》Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》等5个SCI期刊的客座主编或编委,CSCD核心期刊《安全与环境学报》英文顾问,十余个SCI期刊的审稿人,获评Elsevier杰出审稿人;研究成果获省部级科技进步一等奖1项。


    ●2010.09-2014.07    金沙娱场城app7979,油气储运工程,学士

    ●2014.09-2017.06    金沙娱场城app7979,油气储运工程,硕士

    ●2017.11-2021.03    荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,安全科学,博士

    ●2021.03-2022.05    荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,安全科学,博士后研究员

    ●2022.03-2022.11    金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师

    ●2022.12-至今       金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,研究员





    ●英国劳氏基金会科研项目,Sg3\100021,A quantitative study of the resilience of offshore pipelines,2021-202,主持

    ●荷兰科研项目,SSI-2021006,Process safety and security in the digital age,2021,主研






    ●Chen C,Reniers G,Khakzad N. A dynamic multi-agent approach for modeling the evolution of multi-hazard accident scenarios in chemical plants[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2021:107349. (SCI,中科院:1区,JCR:Q1,IF:5.040)

    ●Chen C,Li C,Reniers G,et al. Safety and security of oil and gas pipeline transportation:A systematic analysis of research trends and future needs using WOS[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,279:123583. (SCI,中科院:1区,JCR:Q1,IF:7.246)

    ●Chen C,Khakzad N,Reniers G. Dynamic vulnerability assessment of process plants with respect to vapor cloud explosions[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2020,200:106934. (SCI,中科院:1区,JCR:Q1,IF:5.040)

    ●Chen C,Reniers G. Chemical industry in china:the current status,safety problems,and pathways for future sustainable development[J]. Safety Science,2020,128:104741. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q1,IF:4.105)

    ●Chen C,Reniers G,Khakzad N. A thorough classification and discussion of approaches for modeling and managing domino effects in the process industries[J]. Safety Science,2020,125:104618. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q1,IF:4.105)

    ●Chen C,Reniers G,Khakzad N. Integrating safety and security resources to protect chemical industrial parks from man-made domino effects:A dynamic graph approach[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2019,191:106470. (SCI,中科院:1区,JCR:Q1,IF:5.040)

    ●Chen C,Reniers G,Khakzad N. Cost-benefit management of intentional domino effects in chemical industrial areas[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2020,134:392-405. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q1,IF:4.966)

    ●Chen C,Reniers G,Zhang L. An innovative methodology for quickly modeling the spatial-temporal evolution of domino accidents triggered by fire[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2018,54:312-324. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q2,IF:3.660)

    ●Chen C,Reniers G,Khakzad N,et al. Operational safety economics:Foundations,current approaches and paths for future research[J]. Safety Science,2020,141:105326. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q1,IF:4.105)

    ●Chen C,Yang M,Reniers G. A dynamic stochastic methodology for quantifying HAZMAT storage resilience plants[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2021,215:107909. (SCI,中科院:1区,JCR:Q1,IF:5.040)

    ●Li C,Chen C,Liao K,et al. Theoretical research on the characteristics of the self-magnetic leakage field induced by ferromagnetic pipelines[J]. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring,2016,58(11):601-608. (SCI,中科院:4区,JCR:Q3,IF:0.783)

    ●Li C,Chen C,Liao K. A quantitative study of signal characteristics of non-contact pipeline magnetic testing[J]. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring,2015,57(6):324-330. (SCI,中科院:4区,JCR:Q3,IF:0.783)

    ●Huang Y J,Tao J,Yang F Q,Chen C,et al. Construction safety during pandemics:learning from the Xinjia Express hotel collapse during COVID-19 in China[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health,2021,18(21):11498. (SCI,中科院:3区,JCR:Q2,IF:3.390)

    ●Li X,Khan F,Yang M,Chen C,et al. Risk assessment of offshore fire accidents caused by subsea gas release[J]. Applied Ocean Research,2021,115:102828. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q1,IF:2.979)

    ●He Z,Chen C,Weng W. Multi-hazard risk assessment in process industries:State-of-the-Art[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2021:104672. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q2,IF:3.660)

    ●Yuan S,Yang M,Reniers G,Chen C,et al. Safety barriers in the chemical process industries:A state-of-the-art review on their classification,assessment,and management[J]. Safety Science,2022,148:105647. (SCI,中科院:2区,JCR:Q1,IF:4.105)

    ●Yang F,Tao J,Chen C,et al. Determining the perceived safety and security attitude and knowledge of urban residents towards bus fires[J]. Burns,2020,46(3):687-694. (SCI,中科院:4区,JCR:Q3,IF:2.066)




    ●李长俊,陈超,杨雨. 一种管道焊缝处自漏磁场磁感应强度的计算方法:201710825554.9[P].2020-12-22.





    ●Chen C,Reniers G,Yang M. Integrating safety and security management to protect chemical industrial area[M]. Cham:Springer,2022.

    ●Khan F,Amyotte P,Aven T,Reniers G,Chen C,et al. Advanced methods of risk assessment and management[M]. Amsterdam:Elsevier,2021.

    ●Chen C,Cozzani V,Reniers G,et al. Dynamic risk assessment and management of domino effects and cascading events in the process industry[M]. Amsterdam:Elsevier,2021.

    ●Albrecht S,Asveld L,Bos T B U,Chen C,et al. Sustainability and life cycle assessment in industrial biotechnology[M]. Cham:Springer,2018.

    ●Armitage R,Baechler S,Button M,Chen C,et al. The Handbook of Security[M]. Cham:Springer,2022.

    ●Abbassi R,Adumene S,Chen C,et al. Domino Effect:Its Prediction and Prevention[M]. Amsterdam:Elsevier,2022.

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