李一波 |
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李一波,男,四川南充人。1986年8月生,自2008年以来一直从事于提高采收率技术与理论的相关科学研究。在中国石油化工集团国家石油勘探开发有限公司阿尔及利亚分公司实习2个月(海外)。2014年获金沙娱场城app7979油气田开发工程专业博士学位。2017年在美国密苏里科技大学访问学习一年。申请人先后承担国家自然科学基金(面上和青年)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家科技重大专项示范工程、四川省国际科技创新合作项目、中国石油创新基金等项目7项,主持企业攻关、重大开发试验等项目20余项;发表论文62篇,其中SCI论文50篇,中科院大类一区期刊论文11篇、TOP期刊论文21篇、中国科技期刊卓越行动计划期刊论文3篇、SPE国际会议论文6篇,累计被引1021次,其中SCI累计被引908次,H指数17,单篇最高被引123次;参加国内外重要学术会议并做主题、专题学术报告8次;授权发明专利14件,其中俄罗斯发明专利1件,中国发明专利13件,技术转让1件,登记软件著作权4项;获省部级科学技术奖7项,其中一等奖1项、二等奖5项,三等奖1项。兼任俄罗斯喀山联邦大学客座研究员、入选俄罗斯自然科学院通讯会员,担任SCI期刊行业内主流SCI及EI期刊副主编和编委,受邀担任2018年世界热采大会(Thermal EOR)分会主席,天府永兴实验室青年科学家,全国油气藏提高采收率研讨会特邀专家,中国油田化学应用技术交流大会学术委员。
●2004.09-2008.07 金沙娱场城app7979,石油工程,学士
●2008.09-2011.07 金沙娱场城app7979,油气田开发工程,硕士
●2011.09-2014.12 金沙娱场城app7979,油气田开发工程,博士
●2015.12-2018.12 金沙娱场城app7979,油气田开发工程,讲师
●2017.02-2018.02 密苏里科技大学,访问学者
●2018.07-2023.03 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,副教授
●2023.03-至今 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,教授
●Li Y B,Chen Y F,Pu W F,et al. Low temperature oxidation characteristics analysis of ultra-heavy oil by thermal methods[J]. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry,2017,48:249-258.
●Li Y B,Zhao J Z,Pu W F,et al. Catalytic effect analysis of metallic additives on light crude oil by TG and DSC tests[J]. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry,2013,113(2):579-587.
●Li Y B,Chen Y F,Pu W F,et al. The kinetic analysis of oxidized oil during the high pressure air injection by thermal kinetic analysis[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2015,33(3):319-326.
●Li Y B,Chen Y,Pu W F,et al. Experimental investigation into the oxidative characteristics of Tahe heavy crude oil[J]. Fuel,2017,209:194-202.
●Li Y,Gao H,Pu W,et al. Viscosity profile prediction of a heavy crude oil during lifting in two deep artesian wells[J]. Chinese journal of chemical engineering,2017,25(7):976-982.
●Li Y B,Gao H,Pu W F,et al. Study of the catalytic effect of copper oxide on the low-temperature oxidation of Tahe ultra-heavy oil[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2019,135(6):3353-3362.
●Li Y B,Zhang Y Q,Luo C,et al. The experimental and numerical investigation of in situ re-energization mechanism of urea-assisted steam drive in superficial heavy oil reservoir[J]. Fuel,2019,249:188-197.
●Li Y B,Chen Y F,Pu W F. The properties and kinetics characteristics of oxidised ultra-heavy oil in the coke deposition process[J]. International Journal of Oil,Gas and Coal Technology,2018,17(1):60-75.
●Li Y B,Zhao J Z,Pu W F,et al. A method based on the Harcourt and Esson equation to estimate the catalytic effect of metallic additives on light crude oil[J]. Journal of alloys and compounds,2014,585:7-13.
●Li Y B,Pu W F,Zhao J Y,et al. Variation of reservoir fluid property during the high pressure air injection process[J]. International Journal of Green Energy,2016,13(2):173-180.
●Li Y B,Pu W F,Sun L,et al. Effect of formation factors on light crude oil oxidation via TG-FTIR[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2014,118(3):1685-1695.
●Li Y B,Luo C,Lin X,et al. Characteristics and properties of coke formed by low-temperature oxidation and thermal pyrolysis during in situ combustion[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2020,59(5):2171-2180.
●Li Y B,Pu W F,Wei B,et al. The feasibility of CO2 and N2 injection for the Tahe fracture-cavity carbonate extra-heavy oil reservoir:An experimental study[J]. Fuel,2018,226:598-606.
●Li Y B,Lin X,Luo C,et al. A comprehensive investigation of the influence of clay minerals on oxidized and pyrolyzed cokes in in situ combustion for heavy oil reservoirs[J]. Fuel,2021,302:121168.
●Li Y B,He T S,Hu Z M,et al. Study on the mathematical model for predicting settling of water-in-oil emulsion[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021,206:109070.
●Li Y B,Deng Q H,Huang T,et al. A numerical and experimental investigation into the influence of CO2 on the stability of W/O emulsion[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2022,210:110087.
●Li Y B,Zhang S X,Luo C,et al. An experimental investigation in the formation damage mechanism of deposited coke in in-situ combustion process using nuclear magnetic resonance[J]. Fuel,2022,313:122703.
●Chen Y,Pu W,Liu X,Li Y,et al. A preliminary feasibility analysis of in situ combustion in a deep fractured-cave carbonate heavy oil reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2019,174:446-455.
●Li Y B,Cheng Y D,Pu W F,et al. The influence of pressure on the low temperature oxidation (LTO) of heavy oil during the high pressure air injection (HPAI) process in Tahe Oilfield[C]//SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference. OnePetro,2015.
●Li Y B,Gao H,Pu W F,et al. A novel displacement mechanism of CO2-assisted steam flooding for highly acidic heavy oil reservoir:an experimental study[C]//Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. OnePetro,2017.