李海涛 |
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李海涛,博士,教授,博士生导师,SPE会员、加拿大重油稠油协会会员、中国石油学会会员,国家级重点学科采油气工程学术方向技术骨干。1990年以来一直在金沙娱场城app7979石油工程学院从事油气开采方向的教学与科研工作,研究领域主要包括:常规和非常规油气井完井优化理论与技术、油田注水与综合管理以及水平井找水控水技术研究等。主持国家863项目、国家科技重大专项子课题、省部级科技攻关项目和国际合作项目16 项,主持油田技术协作项目40余项,获省部级奖励2项,局级奖励5项。第一作者或通讯作者公开发表学术论文百余篇,近4年SCI收录15篇,EI收录7篇,CSCD及核心期刊11篇,授权发明专利5项,授权实用新型专利5项,授权软件著作3项。出版专著2部,教材2部,参编5部,培养硕士及博士研究生60余名。
●1983.09—1987.07 西南石油学院,采油工程,学士
●1987.09—1990.07 西南石油学院,油气田开发工程,硕士
●1990.09—1991.08 中石油西南油气田分公司川西北矿区,实习锻炼
●1991.09—1993.09 西南石油学院,助教
●1993.10—1998.10 西南石油学院,讲师
●1998.09—1999.12 加拿大Alberta Research Council,访问学习
●1999.11—2006.09 金沙娱场城app7979,副教授
●2000.09—2004.07 金沙娱场城app7979,博士
●2006.10—至今 金沙娱场城app7979,教授,博士生导师主要研究项目
●Predicting production and estimated ultimate recoveries for shale gas wells: A new methodology approach[J]. Applied Energy,2017,206:1416-1431.
●A semi-analytical model for predicting inflow profile of horizontal wells in bottom-water gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science And Engineering,2017,160(1).
●Capillarity characters measurement and effects analysis in different permeability formations during waterflooding[J]. Fuel,2017,194:129-143.
●Production performance analysis of fractured horizontal well in tight oil reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology,2017.
●A new mathematical model to calculate sand-packed fracture conductivity[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,35:567-582.
●Effects of Chemical Additives on Dynamic Capillary Pressure during Waterflooding in Low Permeability Reservoirs[J]. Energy & Fuels,2016,30(9):7082-7093.
●The theory of the automatic phase selection controller and its performance analysis[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science And Engineering,2016,144:28-38.
●New method predicts bottom-water breakthrough time[J]. Oil & Gas Journal,2015.
●Prediction method of bottom water coning profile and water breakthrough time in bottom water reservoir without barrier[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015.
●A new model to predict productivity of multiple-fractured horizontal well in naturally fractured reservoirs[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015.
●Optimization of the number of openhole packers in horizontal wells completed by inflow control devices for different types of reservoirs[J]. Journal of Engineering Research,2015,3(1):149-171.
●A new semi-analytical model for predicting the performance of horizontal wells completed by inflow control devices in bottom-water reservoirs[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015.
●A new model to predict productivity of multiple-fractured horizontal wells in naturally fractured reservoirs[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015.
●A new completion methodology to improve oil recovery for horizontal wells completed in highly heterogeneous reservoirs[J]. Arab J Sci Eng.2014,39(12).
●The productivity of horizontal well with unevenly spaced multiple fractures in oil reservoirs[J]. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2014,19.
●Staged coalbed methan desorption and the contribution of each stage to productivity[J]. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils,2014,50(4):344-353.
●Generalized productivity model for designing hydraulic fractures in horizontal wells located in naturally fissured low-permeability gas reservoirs[J]. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils,2014,50(4).
●Initiation and extension of gas-driven fracture during compound perforation[J]. Explosion and Shock Waves,2014,34(3).
●A semianalytical model for horizontal wells with improved stinger completion in heterogeneous bottomwater reservoirs[J]. Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technolog,2014,53(3).
●A Semianalytical model for horizontal wells with improved stinger completion in heterogeneous bottom water reservoirs[J]. SPE-170251. Doi:10.2118/170251-PA,2014,May.
●基于体积源的分段压裂水平井产能评价方法[J].Natural Gas Industry,2015,35(9):55-63.