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   贾 虎

职        称:教授
所属 部门:开发所
学科 专业:油气田开发工程
研究 方向:油藏工程与提高油气采收率、油气田化学、储层保护与改造
联系 方式:tiger-jia@163.com; jiahuswpu@swpu.edu.cn

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  • 贾虎,男,湖北武汉人,教授,博士生导师,国家级高层次青年人才(2020年)、天府人才计划-天府科技菁英(2019年)。获中国石油与化学工业联合会青年科技突出贡献奖(2021年)、霍英东教育基金会优秀青年基金奖励(2020年)、四川省杰出青年科技人才(2018年)、美国化学会会员荣誉奖(ACS Membership Award,2015年)等荣誉称号。主要从事油藏工程与提高油气采收率、油气田化学、储层保护与改造领域研究。主持国家自然科学基金原创探索计划项目、霍英东青年教师基金、四川省杰出青年基金、国家科技重大专项子任务、中国石油科技创新基金等纵向项目和石油公司委托科技攻关项目50余项。发表论文80余篇,第1或通讯SCI论文40篇,1篇入选领跑者F5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖论文,授权发明专利17件。部分成果成功应用于中石油、中石化、中海油,经济社会效益显著,被中国石油新闻、中国石化报、中国海洋石油报等报道。获省部级科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖5项。兼任中国石油学会青年工作委员会第一届委员、中国能源学会专委会副主任、四川省科青联常务理事、《石油勘探与开发》(SCI一区)编委、《天然气工业》《Petroleum》青年编委、近20种国际SCI刊物审稿人。主讲《油藏工程》《油层物理》和《提高采收率原理》3门本科生课程。注重研究生培养,近来,指导的多名研究生获各类学术竞赛奖励十余次,十余人次获国家和校长奖学金,2人被评为四川省优秀毕业生。



    ●2002.09-2006.06    江汉石油学院,石油工程,学士

    ●2006.09-2009.06    金沙娱场城app7979,油气井工程,硕士

    ●2009.09-2012.06    金沙娱场城app7979,油气田开发工程,博士


    ●2012.09-2013.02    美国雪佛龙公司川东北项目部,实习工程师

    ●2012.07-2014.09    金沙娱场城app7979,讲师

    ●2015.04-2016.04    美国得州理工大学,Research Associate(博士后)

    ●2014.10-2018.11    金沙娱场城app7979,副教授

    ●2018.12-至今          金沙娱场城app7979,教授

















































    ●Jia H,Wu J,Wu S,et al. New insights into the DPR mechanism of elastic energy released by polymer gel for enhanced oil recovery[J].Petroleum,2022.doi.org/10.1016/j.petlm.2022.08.002. 

    ●Jia H,Li P,Lv W,et al. Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to assess effect of conformance control treatments on water-injection wells[J].Petroleum,2022.doi.org/10.1016/j.petlm.2022.04.006. 

    ●Zhang R,Jia H. Method to generate random element equivalent core models based on the NMR T2 spectrum for waterflooding in tight sandstone[J]. ACS omega,2021,6(50):34783-34795.

    ●Jia H,Deng L H. Non-equilibrium 3-D simulator applied to air injection EOR in light oil reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,168:310-329.

    ●Jia H,Chen H. Using DSC technique to investigate the non-isothermal gelation kinetics of the multi-crosslinked Chromium acetate(Cr3+)-Polyethyleneimine(PEI)-Polymer gel sealant[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,165:105-113.

    ●Jia H,Sheng J J. Simulation study of huff-n-puff air injection for enhanced oil recovery in shale oil reservoirs[J].Petroleum,2018,4(1):7-14.

    ●Jia H. Effect of reservoir heterogeneity on air injection performance in a light oil reservoir[J].Petroleum,2018,4(1):15-24.

    ●Jia H,Sheng J J. Discussion of the feasibility of air injection for enhanced oil recovery in shale oil reservoirs[J]. Petroleum,2017,3(2):249-257.

    ●Jia H,Sheng J J. Numerical modeling on air injection in a light oil reservoir:Recovery mechanism and scheme optimization[J].Fuel,2016,172:70-80.

    ●Jia H,Liu P G,Pu W F,et al. In situ catalytic upgrading of heavy crude oil through low-temperature oxidation[J]. Petroleum Science,2016,13(3):476-488.

    ●Pu W F,Pang S S,Jia H. Using DSC/TG/DTA techniques to re-evaluate the effect of clays on crude oil oxidation kinetics[J].Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2015,134:123-130.

    ●Jia H,Ren Q,Pu W F,et al. Swelling mechanism investigation of microgel with double-cross-linking structures[J]. Energy Fuels,2014,28(11):6735-6744.

    ●Jia H,Ni J H,Pu W F,et al. New view on the oxidation mechanisms of crude oil through combined thermal analysis methods[J].J ournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2014,118:1707-1714.

    ●Ren Q,Jia H,Yu D,et al. New insights into phenol-formaldehyde‐based gel systems with ammonium salt for low-temperature reservoirs[J].Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2014,DOI:10.1002/app.40657. 

    ●Ni J H,Jia H,Pu W F,et al. Thermal kinetics study of light oil oxidation using TG/DTG techniques[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2014,117(3):1349-1355.

    ●Jia H,Zhao J Z,Jin F Y,et al. New Insights into the gelation behavior of polyethyleneimine cross-linking partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide gels[J]. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2012,51(38):12155-12166.

    ●Jia H,Zhao J Z,Pu W F,et al. Thermal study on light crude oil for application of high-pressure air injection (HPAI) process by TG/DTG and DTA Tests[J]. Energy Fuels,2012,26(3):1575-1584.

    ●Jia H,Zhao J Z,Pu W F,et al. Laboratory investigation on the feasibility of light-oil autoignition for application of the high-pressure air injection (HPAI) process[J]. Energy Fuels,2012,26(9):5638-5645.

    ●Jia H,Zhao J Z,Pu W F,et al. The influence of clay minerals types on the oxidation thermokinetics of crude Oil[J]. Energy Sources,Part A:Recovery,Utilization and Environmental Effects,2012,34(10):877-886.

    ●Zhao J Z,Jia H,Pu W F,et al. Sensitivity studies on the oxidation behavior of crude oil in porous media[J]. Energy Fuels,2012,26(11):6815-6823.

    ●Jia H,Pu W F,Zhao J Z,et al .Experimental investigation of the novel phenol-formaldehyde cross-linking HPAM gel system:based on the secondary cross-linking method of organic cross-linkers and its gelation performance study after flowing through porous media[J]. Energy Fuels,2011,25(2):727-736.

    ●Zhao J Z,Jia H,Pu W F,et al. Influences of fracture aperture on the water-shutoff performance of polyethyleneimine cross-linking partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide gels in hydraulic fractured reservoirs[J]. Energy Fuels,2011,25(6):2616-2624.

    ●Jia H,Pu W F,Zhao J Z,et al. Research on the gelation performance of low toxic PEI cross-linking PHPAM gel systems as water shutoff agents in low temperature reservoirs[J]. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research,2010,49(20):9618-9624.


    ●Jia H,Niu C C,Liang W L,et al. High-density solid-free flexible microgel fluid loss pill in high-temperature and high-pressure reservoirs:curing mechanism and working performance[J]. SPE Journal,2022,In press.

    ●Jia H,Kang Z,Li Z J,et al. The Potential of ultrahigh strength gel through novel multistage reinforcement method for sealing operations in medium to ultralow temperature reservoirs[J]. SPE Journal,2022,27(4):2145-2160.

    ●Jia H,Niu C C,Dai C L. Solid-free flexible colloidal completion fluid with variable density for gas well completion in high-temperature and high-pressure reservoirs:experimental study and pilot test[J].SPE Journal,2022,27(1):186-203.

    ●Jia H,Chen H,Li S X,et al. Development of a highly elastic composite gel through novel polymer intercalation crosslinking method for wellbore temporary plugging in high-temperature reservoirs[J]. SPE Journal,2020,25(6):2853-2866.

    ●Jia H,Yang X Y,Zhao J Z. Development of a novel in-situ generated foamed gel as temporary plugging agent used for well workover:affecting factors and working performance[J]. SPE Journal,2019,24(4):1757-1776.

    ●Jia H,Hu Y X,Zhao S J,et al. The feasibility for potassium-based phosphate brines to serve as high-density solid-free well-completion fluids in high-temperature/high-pressure formations[J]. SPE Journal,2019,24(5):2033-2046.

    ●Jia H,Kang Z,Zhu J,et al. High density bromide-based nanocomposite gel for temporary plugging in fractured reservoirs with multi-pressure systems[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,205(2021):108778.

    ●Jia H,Kang Z,Li Z J .Using 1,2 dimethylimidazole to improve gel thermalstability for wellbore plugging in ultra-high temperature fractured reservoirs[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2021,DOI:10.1080/01932691.2021.1974878.

    ●Jia H,Niu C C,Yang X Y. High-strength nanocomposite gel for temporary plugging wellbore:from laboratory investigation to pilot test[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020(191):107214.

    ●Jia H,Xie D S,Kang Z. Secondary surface modified laponite-based nanocomposite hydrogel for gas shutoff in wellbore[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020(191):107116.

    ●Jia H,Yang X Y,Li S X,et al. Nanocomposite gel of high-strength and degradability for temporary plugging in ultralow-pressure fracture reservoirs[J].Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2020(585):124108.

    ●Jia H,Niu C C,Hu Y X. The potential study of ultra-high density heteropolysate solid free brine as well completion fluid for deep reservoir development[J].Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2020(84):103638.

    ●Jia H,Kang Z,Li S X,et al. Thermal degradation behavior of seawater based temporary plugging gel crosslinked by polyethyleneimine for fluid loss control in gas well:kinetics study and degradation prediction[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2020,DOI:10.1080/01932691.2020.1740727.

    ●Jia H,Chen S H,Zhou Z M. Strength-enhanced nanocomposite foamed gel as a temporary wellbore plugging fluid:Formulation design and working performance[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,2019,DOI:10.1080/01932691.2020.1737104.

    ●Jia H,Chen H. The potential of using Cr3+/Salt-Tolerant polymer gel for well workover in low-temperature reservoir:laboratory investigation and pilot test[J]. SPE Production and Operations,2018,33(4):569-582.

    ●Jia H,Yang X Y. Environmental and strength-enhanced nano-silica based composite gel for well temporary plugging in high-temperature reservoirs[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering,2018,14:e2270.

    ●Jia H,Chen H,Guo S S. Fluid loss control mechanism of using polymer gel pill based on multi-crosslinking during overbalanced well workover and completion[J]. Fuel,2017,210:207-216.

    ●Jia H and Ren Q. Evidence of the gelation acceleration mechanism of HPAM gel with ammonium salt at ultralow temperature by SEM study[J]. SPE Production and Operations,2016,31(3):238-246.












    ●油气井化学堵水现状与挑战[C].中国 北京:2022可持续能源发展国际会议:非常规油气绿色低碳智能化效益开发,2022-08.

    ●电磁场-渗流场耦合作用下离子液体多孔介质流动模型[C].中国 青岛:第五届数字岩心分析技术国际研讨会暨多孔介质多场耦合问题的多尺度模拟与实验方法研讨会,2021-04.

    ●致密油藏压采提高采收率方面的新认识[C].中国 贵阳:第五届全国油气藏提高采收率技术,2021-04.

    ●抗高温纳米复合凝胶的研制及其在油气钻采领域中的应用[C].中国 青岛:2019年井筒工作液新技术研讨会,2019-07.

    ●致密砂岩气藏高弹性液体胶塞井筒隔离储层保护技术研究[C].中国 成都:油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室第九届国际学术会议,2018-10.

    ●基于机器学习理论的水驱油藏流场识别与调堵效果预测[C].中国 北京:第二届全国油气藏提高采收率技术研讨会,2018-01.

    ●基于机器学习理论的水驱油藏流场识别与调整技术研究[C].中国 长沙:中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技创新与智能发展大会,2017-12.

    ●与堵水联作的复合交联型泡沫凝胶修井增产机理研究[C].中国 北京:中国石油学会第十届青年学术年会,2017-11.

    ●低渗透油藏水驱流场识别与深部调驱研究与思考[C].中国 西安:中国石油学会石油工程专业委员会-低渗透油田扩大波及体积新技术新方法研讨会,2017-06.

    ●Simulation study of air injection in a stimulated reservoir volume(SRV)from Eagle Ford shale oil reservoir[C]. Chengdu China:8th International Symposium of State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,2016-07.

    ●Screening of the EOR potential of a wolfcamp shale oil reservoir[C]. San Francisco USA:49th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium,2015-06.

    ●Numerical simulation on the mechanism of high-pressure air injection (HPAI) process in high water cut reservoirs[C]. San Antonio USA:World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering,2013-11.

    ●Recent progress of high-pressure air injection (HPAI) Process in light oil reservoir:laboratory investigation and field application[C]. Calgary Canada:SPE Heavy Oil Conference,2012-06.


    ●贾虎,邓力珲,张瑞,等.基于流场诊断的水驱油藏渗流场可视化表征与评价方法:2019106356050[P]. 2022-04-22.

    ●贾虎,邓力珲,张瑞,等.一种基于向量自回归模型的水驱油藏渗流场评价方法:2019106361311[P]. 2022-04-22.

    ●贾虎,邓力珲.低渗透油藏空气驱数值模拟方法及装置:201710401892.X[P]. 2020-09-22.

    ●贾虎,邓力珲.水驱流场生产方法及装置:2017110853042[P]. 2019-07-26.

    ●贾虎,康正,徐一彬,等.一种基于离子液体胶塞的井筒隔离方法:202010924483.X[P]. 2022-06-21.

    ●贾虎,康正,徐一彬,等.咪唑物增强型抗超高温液体胶塞及其成胶测试改进方法:202110205061.1[P]. 2022-03-25.

    ●贾虎,陈生怀,巨亚峰,等.一种降漏失柔性胶粒洗井液的制备及其应用:201910590238.7[P]. 2021-12-21.

    ●贾虎,杨欣雨,赵金洲,等.一种多孔凝胶封堵剂、其制备方法及应用:2019107083525[P]. 2021-12-10.

    ●贾虎,陈昊.一种压井液及其制备方法、应用:201610972574.4[P]. 2019-10-08.

    ●贾虎,蒲万芬,任强.一种用于低温油藏快速成胶的酚醛弱凝胶调驱剂:201510232844.3[P]. 2018-04-20.

    ●贾虎,任强,蒲万芬,等.一种耐温耐盐高温自交联就地聚合堵水凝胶:201510004908.4[P]. 2017-10-10.

    ●贾虎,蒲万芬,赵金洲,等.一种用于油井堵水的新型选择性堵水剂:201110239167.X[P]. 2012-09-12.



























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