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胡义升,男,博士/博士后,研究员,硕士生导师,四川省XX特聘专家,成都市XX特聘专家。2016年博士毕业于英国Heriot-Watt大学石油工程专业,后赴英国帝国理工大学从事博士后研究。主持国家自然科学基金、四川省人社厅留学回国人员择优资助项目、四川省国际科技合作与交流研发项目、中石油科技创新基金、及中石油、中石化、中海油等企业合作项目。主要从事考虑化学反应、相态平衡、水相矿物成分输运现象的多相渗流问题、注气提高采收率和CO2埋存、油气藏流体相平衡及高压物性实验以及油气井筒流动安全(防腐、防垢)等方面研究。在《SPE PROD OPER》《J ALLOY COMPD》《CERAM INT》等国际期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,申报发明专利4项,受邀参加SPE会议、EAGE年会等并做大会报告5次。现为SPE会员、EAGE会员,担任多个SCI期刊的审稿人。
●2007.09-2011.06 金沙娱场城app7979,石油工程,学士 ●2011.09-2012.09 英国赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University),石油工程,硕士
●2012.11-2016.08 英国赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University),石油工程,博士
●2016.10-2017.10 英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),博士后研究员
●2016.09-2018.06 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师
●2018.07-至今 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,研究员
●国家青年科学基金项目,41702286,饱和CO2流体在碳酸盐岩多孔介质中的孔隙级流动与反应机理研究,2018/01-2020/12,主持 ●四川省人力资源和社会保障厅留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目,页岩气藏微观孔隙结构表征及流动模拟研究,2017/04-2018/12,主持
(1)代表性学术论文 ●Hu Y S,Mackay E,Ishkov O. Predicted and observed evolution of produced brine compositions,and implications for scale management[J]. SPE Production and Operations,2016,31(3):270-279.
●Hu Y S,Min C. Identification and modelling of geochemical reactions occurring within the sandstone reservoir flooded by seawater[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2016,34(17-18):1595-1601.
●Hu Y S,Mackay E. Modelling of geochemical reactions occurring in the Gyda Field under Cold-Seawater injection on the basis of Produced–Water-Chemistry Data and implications for scale management[J]. SPE Production & Operations,2017,32(4):449-468.
●Hu Y S,Peng Y,Hu F. Anti-corrosion performance of chromium coated steel in Carbon Dioxide saturated simulated oilfield brine[J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2017,12(6),5628-5635.
●Hu Y S,Peng Y,Zhang W Y. Corrosion inhibition performance on tubing steel in oil wells based on Schiff Base surfactants[J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2017,12(5):4360-4369.
●Hu Y S,Mackay E,Vazquez O,et al. Streamline simulation of Barium Sulfate precipitation occurring within the reservoir coupled with analyses of observed Produced Water Chemistry Data to aid scale management[J]. SPE Production and Operation,2018,33(1):85-101.
●Hu Y S,Guo P,Yao Z W,et al. Corrosion behavior of drill pipe steel in CO2-H2S environment[J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2017,12(7):6405-6713.
●Hu Y S,Luo J,Guo P,et al. Asphaltene deposition during flow through pipes:parametric and inhibition analyses[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2016,35(22):2127-2132.
●Hu Y S,Peng Y,Zhao J Z,et al. Electrochemical analysis of the corrosion behavior of drill pipe steel under oil/water emulsion condition[J]. International Journal of Electrochemical Science,2017,12(9):8526-8534.
●Ma X,Hu Y S,Liu Z B,et al. A novel kernel regularized nonhomogeneous grey model and its applications[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2017,48:51-62.
●Guo P,Hu Y S,Qin J S,et al. Use of Oil-Soluble surfactant to reduce Minimum Miscibility Pressure[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2017,35(4):345-350.
●Hu Y S,Mackay E,Vazquez O,et al. Comparison of streamline reservoir simulation of brine flow,mixing and barium sulphate induced formation damage with observed Produced Water Chemical Data to aid scale management[C]. Budapest,Hungary:SPE European Formation Damage Conference,SPE 174235,2015.
●Hu Y S,Mackay E. Analysis of Mineral reactions occurring in the Gyda Field under seawater injection with the help of geochemical Non-Isothermal model and Produced Water Data[C]. Aberdeen,Scotland,UK:SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition,SPE 179911,2016.
●Hu Y S,Mackay E. Modelling of geochemical reactions during Smart Water injection in carbonate reservoirs[C]. Vienna,Austria:78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition,2016.
●Hu Y S,Mackay E. Reactive Transport modelling of a carbonate reservoir under seawater injection[C]. Aberdeen,Scotland,UK:SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition,SPE 190757,2018.
●胡义升,王哲,郭平,等.低渗水侵气藏衰竭开发高温高压水侵物理模拟实验方法:2019.1.1380665.9[P]. 2022-02-01.
●胡义升,庞军峰,孙博文,等.一种低渗凝析气储层注气反蒸发凝析油饱和度测试方法:2020.1.1127715.5[P]. 2022-02-08.
●胡义升,庞康,孙艳彬,等.非常油气藏分流量模型参数敏感度获取方法及系统:.2020.1.1441076.X[P]. 2022-07-08.
●胡义升,欧露星,郭平,等.井下高压水样的泡点压力测试方法及其测试装置:2020.1.0658195.4[P]. 2022-02-01.
●胡义升,庞康,孙艳彬,等.一种针对非常规油气藏生产优化问题的控制方法及系统:2020.1.1441103.3[P]. 2022-11-01.
●胡义升,白轩,郭平,等,Method for evaluating difference in gas injection effect of gas injection wells in carbonate reservoirs:US 11459880B2[P]. 2022-10-04.