周翔 |
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周翔,男,副研究员,博士,Professional Engineer(加拿大),2019年获加拿大里加纳大学(University of Regina)石油系统工程专业博士学位,同年获国家优秀自费留学生奖,现主要从事致密油藏注气、稠油油藏热力提高采收率理论与方法研究,数值模拟与模型研究等科研与教学工作。博士期间主研加拿大萨省研究院科研基金项目5项,国际合作项目2项。在《Applied Energy》《Fuel》《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇,参加国际学术会议6次。
●2005.09-2009.06 长江大学,石油工程,学士
●2009.07-2012.04 中海油天津分公司,采油工程,工程师
●2012.10-2015.08 加拿大里贾纳大学,石油系统工程,硕士
●2015.09-2019.04 加拿大里贾纳大学,石油系统工程,博士
●2019.09-至今 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,副研究员
●Effects of the Water Saturation and Foamy Oil Stability Agent on the Foamy Oil Flow and Cyclic Solvent Injection Process(PTRC,Husky Energy and Devon Energy,Canada),2018.01-2020.10,主研
●Non-Equilibrium Characterization of CO2-Heavy Oil Systems under Different Viscosities and ●Temperatures(PTRC,Husky Energy and Devon Energy,Canada),2016.02-2018.10,主研
●Non-equilibrium Phase Behavior Study of Heavy Oil-Solvent System under Bulk Systems(PTRC and Husky Energy,Canada),2015.10-2017.10,主研
●Study of Foamy Oil Non-equilibrium PVT Properties and Flow Behaviors in Solvent Injection Process(Husky Energy,Canada),2014.10-2016.10,主研
●Study of Post-CHOPS Cyclic Solvent Injection Process(Devon Energy,Canada),2012.01-2013.10, 主研
●Zhou X,Jiang Q,Yuan Q,et al. Determining CO2 diffusion coefficient in heavy oil in a bulk phase and in porous media using experimental and mathematical modeling methods[J]. Fuel,2020,263:116205.
●Zhou X.,Zeng F,Zhang L,et al. Experimental and mathematical modeling studies on foamy oil stability using a heavy oil-CO2 system under reservoir conditions[J]. Fuel,2020,264:116771:1-13.
●Zhou X,Yuan Q,Rui Z,et al. Feasibility study of CO2 huff ‘n’ puff process to enhance heavy oil recovery via long core experiments[J]. Applied Energy,2019,236:526-539.
●Zhou X,Yuan Q,Zhang Y, et al. Performance evaluation of CO2 flooding process in tight oil reservoir via experimental and numerical simulation studies[J]. Fuel,2019,236:730-746.
●Zhou X,Yuan Q,Peng X,et al. A critical review of the CO2 huff ‘n’ puff process for enhanced heavy oil recovery[J]. Fuel,2018,215:813-824.
●Zhou X,Yuan Q,Zeng F,et al. Experimental study on foamy oil behaviour using a heavy oil‒methane system in the bulk phase[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2017,158:309-321.
●Zhou X,Zeng F,Zhang L,et al. Foamy oil flow in heavy oil–solvent systems tested by pressure depletion in a sandpack[J]. Fuel,201,171:210-223.
●Zhou X,Zeng F,Zhang L. Improving steam-assisted gravity drainage performance in oil sands with a top water zone using polymer injection and the fishbone well pattern[J]. Fuel,2016,184:449-465.
●Tan Y,Li H,Zhou X,et al. Experimental study on performance of horizontal wells in sulfur gas reservoirs[J]. Fuel,2019,238:267-274.
●Huang X,Guo X,Zhou X,et al. Effects of water invasion law on gas wells in high temperature and high pressure gas reservoir with a large accumulation of water-soluble gas[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2019,62:68-78.
●Huang X,Guo X,Zhou X,et al. Productivity model for water-producing gas well in a dipping gas reservoir with an aquifer considering stress-sensitive effect[J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,2019,141(2):022903-1-9.
●Tan Y,Li H,Zhou X,et al. A Semi-Analytical Model for Predicting Horizontal Well Performances in Fractured Gas Reservoirs with Bottom-Water and Different Fracture Intensities[J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,2018,140(10):102905.
●Ni, J,Zhou X,Yuan Q, et al. Numerical simulation study on Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage performance in a heavy oil reservoir with a bottom water zone[J]. Energies,2017,10(12),1999:1-24.
●Zhang K.,Zhou X,Peng X,et al. A comparison study between N-Solv method and cyclic hot solvent injection (CHSI) method[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,173:258-268.
●Lu X,Zhou X,Luo J,et al. Characterization of foamy oil and gas/oil two-phase flow in porous media for a heavy oil/methane system[J]. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology,2018,141(3):032801-12.
●Yuan Q,Zhou X,Wang J,et al. Control of viscous fingering and mixing in miscible displacements with time-dependent rates[J]. AIChE J.,2018,65(1):360-371.
●Yuan Q,Zhou X,Zeng F,et al. Investigation of concentration-dependent diffusion on frontal instabilities and mass transfer in homogeneous porous media[J]. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,2018,96:323-338.
●Yang .,Zhou X,Zhang K,et al. Investigation of methane dynamical properties in slit-like quartz pores using molecular simulation[J]. RSC Advances,2018,8:33798-33816.
●Yuan Q,Zhou X,Zeng F,et al. Nonlinear simulation of miscible displacements with concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient in homogeneous porous media[J]. Chemical Engineering Science,2017,172:528-544.
●Zhou X,Zhao Y,Luo J,et al. A novel process to enhance oil recovery in heavy oil reservoir with a bottom-water zone[C]. Chengdu:Thermal EOR workshop,15-19 Oct.,2018.
●Zhou X,Wang H,Zeng F, et al. Study on foamy oil production performance by using different solvents in laboratory[C]. Beijing:IEA EOR conference,15-17 October, 2014.
●Zhou X,Zeng, F. Feasibility study of using polymer to improve SAGD performance in oil sands with top water[C] Calgary, Canada:SPE 170164,SPE Heavy Oil Conference,10-12 June,2013.