唐慧莹 |
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主要从事油气藏,尤其是非常规油气藏压裂、地质工程一体化、地质力学相关数值模拟研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、四川省科技厅项目2项、国家重点实验室开放基金1项、油田企业合作项目7项。在石油工程领域发表学术论文29篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在业内顶刊《SPE Journal》等SCI期刊发表论文11篇,参与编写英文专著《Hydraulic Fracture Modeling》,以第一发明人授权发明专利6件,获批软件著作权7项,并受邀担任中文核心期刊《油气藏评价与开发》《东北石油大学学报》青年编委,SCI期刊《Frontiers in Earth Science》专刊《Challenges and New Advances in Unconventional Resources Exploitation》客座编辑。
●2008.09-2012.07 北京大学,工程结构分析,学士
●2012.09-2017.07 北京大学,能源动力与资源工程,博士(硕博连读)
●2015.09-2016.09 斯坦福大学地球物理系,联合培养博士
●2017.09-2021.12 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师
●2021.12-至今 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,副教授
●2023.04-至今 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院油气田开发工程研究所,支部书记
●Wen Z C,Zhang L H,Tang H Y,et al. A review on proppant transport in complex fracture geometries[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2023:1-18.
●Tang H Y,Weng Z C,Zhang L H,et al. A volumetric-smoothed particle hydrodynamics based Eulerian-Lagrangian framework for simulating proppant transport[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2022,217:110902
●Tang H Y,Liang H P,Zhang L H,et al. Fully 3D simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in naturally fractured reservoirs using displacement discontinuity method[J]. SPE Journal,2022:1-23.
●Li S B,Wang S H,Tang H Y. Stimulation mechanism and design of enhanced geothermal systems:A comprehensive review[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2022,155:111914.
●Tang H Y,Zhang B N,Liu S,et al. A novel decline curve regression procedure for analyzing shale gas production[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2021,88.
●Tang H Y,Wang S H,Zhang R H,et al. Analysis of stress interference among multiple hydraulic fractures using a fully three-dimensional displacement discontinuity method[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2019,179:378-393.
●Tang H Y,Wang S H,Yin C B,et al. Fully-coupled multi-physical simulation with physics-based nonlinearity-elimination nonlinear preconditioner for enhanced oil recovery[J]. Communications in Computational Physics,2019,25:244-265.
●Tang H Y,Di Y,Zhang Y B,et al. Impact of stress-dependent matrix and fracture properties on shale gas production[J]. Energies,2017,10:996.
●Tang H Y,Winterfeld P,Wu Y S,et al. Integrated simulation of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,36(Part A):875-892.
●Zhang,D X,Zhang L H,Tang H Y,et al. A novel fluid–solid coupling model for the oil–water flow in the natural fractured reservoirs[J]. Physics of Fluids,2021,33:036601.
●Li S B,Feng X T,Zhang D X,Tang H Y. Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of stimulation and production for fractured geothermal reservoirs[J]. Applied Energy,2019,247:40-59.
●Zhang R H,Zhang L H,Tang H Y,et al. A simulator for production prediction of multistage fractured horizontal well in shale gas reservoir considering complex fracture geometry[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2019,67:14-29.
●Li J C,Lei Z D,Tang H Y,et al. Efficient evaluation of gas recovery enhancement by hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,35:873-881.
●Lei Z D,Li J C,Tian C,Tang H Y,et al. A dynamic discrete fracture approach for modeling multiphase flow and transport in fractured porous media[J]. Journal of Porous Media,2015,18:1139-1147.
●Di Y,Tang H Y. Simulation of multistage hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs using displacement discontinuity method(DDM)[M]. Gulf Professional Publishing:Hydraulic Fracture Modeling,2018-01-05.
●Ruan Q,Peng H H,Yang L,Tang H Y,et al. Integrated investigations on the refracturing process in tight oil reservoirs[R]. Atlanta,Georgia,USA:Presented at ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium,2023-06-25-28
●Li J C,Tang H Y,Zhang Y B,et al. An Adaptive Grid Refinement Method for Flow-Based Embedded Discrete Fracture Models[R].Galveston,Texas,USA:Presented at SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference,2023-03-28-30.
●Tang H Y,Hu D D,Zheng X,et al. Automatic hydraulic fracturing designs for tight conglomerate reservoirs in Mahu,China[R].Chicago,USA:Presented at AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts,2022-12-12-16.
●Liang H P,Tang H Y,Qin J H,et al. Multi-Scale investigations on the geometries of hydraulic fractures in conglomerate reservoirs[R]. Riyadh,Saudi Arabia:Presented at International Petroleum Technology Conference,2022-02-21-23.
●Tang H Y,Hu X R,Hu S Y,et al. Estimation of geomechanical property distributions using a data assimilation procedure[R]. New York City,New York:Presented at 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium,2019-06-23-26.
●唐慧莹,梁海鹏,覃建华,等.非常规油气藏压裂窜扰原因分析及预防措施研究[C]//中国力学学会、浙江大学,中国力学大会论文集(CCTAM 2019),2019:1418-1431.
●唐慧莹,张烈辉,邸元,等.基于离散裂缝生产模型的非常规储层压裂评价[R]. 北京:中国力学大会,2017-08-13-15.
●Tang H Y,Zoback M. Impact of pressure-dependent matrix and fracture properties on shale gas production[R]. Stanford:Presented at Stanford Rock Physics & Borehole Geophysics Project Annual Meeting,2016-06-06-08.
●Yan G R,Karpfinger F,Prioul R,Tang H Y,et al. Anisotropic wellbore stability model and its application for drilling through challenging shale gas wells[R]. Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia:Presented at International Petroleum Technology Conference,2014-12-10-12.
●唐慧莹,张烈辉,邸元.非常规油气藏水力压裂复杂缝网形成过程模拟方法:201710804554.0[P]. 2020-02-07.
●唐慧莹,胡欣芮,张烈辉,等.一种储层地质力学参数自动拟合方法及系统:201811298174.5[P]. 2019-11-19.
●唐慧莹,梁海鹏,张东旭,等.一种耦合页岩气藏水力压裂返排生产过程一体化模拟方法:201911151497.6[P]. 2020-07-03.
●唐慧莹,崔二龙,虎丹丹,等.一种基于边界元方法的全三维裂缝相交过程模拟方法:202110298986.5[P]. 2021-03-20.
●张烈辉,文志成,曾军胜,唐慧莹,等.一种模拟支撑剂运移的混合欧拉-拉格朗日数值方法:202210029274.8[P]. 2021-01-12.
●崔二龙,唐慧莹,常程,等.一种基于微地震的地应力方位预测方法:202111034109.3[P]. 2021-09-03.
●《Frontiers in Earth Science》(SCI)专刊《Challenges and New Advances in Unconventional Resources Exploitation》客座编辑