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职        称:副研究员
所属 部门:开发所
学科 专业:油气田开发工程
研究 方向:储气库、CO2利用与封存、油气藏渗流理论与应用、人工智能方法应用
联系 方式:youwei.he@swpu.edu.cn
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  • 博士(后),副研究员,硕士生导师,四川省青年人才。2019年获中国石油大学(北京)油气田开发工程博士学位,并获优秀博士学位论文。2017-2018年获国家留学基金委资助赴美国Texas A and M University石油系访学一年。

    主要从事储气库、CO2利用与封存、非常规油气藏渗流理论及人工智能方法应用方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学青年基金、四川省自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、中国博士后国际交流计划学术交流项目等纵向及横向课题。在《SPE Journal》《石油勘探与开发》《Energy》《Journal of Hydrology》《Chemical Engineering Journal》《SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering》《Geoenergy Science and Engineering》等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,在SPE年会(SPE ATCE)发表论文10篇并多次作报告,授权发明专利8件。

    担任中科院大区二区TOP期刊《Geoenergy Science and Engineering》副主编、《Journal of GeoEnergy》副主编及编委、《Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media》副主编、SPE国际技术奖及国际会议评审委员会委员等,荣获SPE杰出审稿贡献奖(2019,2021)、美国机械工程学会最佳审稿人奖(2018,2021)、《Petroleum Science》期刊优秀青编委。担任《Engineering》《Applied Energy》《SPE Journal》《石油勘探与开发》《Chemical Engineering Journal》等40余种国内外学术期刊审稿专家,担任学术会议分会场主席。指导的研究生多人次获得国家奖学金。


    ●2009.09-2013.07    金沙娱场城app7979,石油工程,学士

    ●2013.09-2019.06    中国石油大学(北京),油气田开发工程,博士

    ●2017.09-2018.09    Texas A and M University,石油工程,国家公派联合培养博士

    ●2019.07-2021.11    金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师,博士后,硕导

    ●2021.12-至今       金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,副研究员




















    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Li S,et al. A semianalytical methodology to diagnose the locations of underperforming hydraulic fractures through pressure-transient analysis in tight gas reservoir[J]. SPE Journal,2017,22(3):924-939. (SCI)

    ●He Y W,He Z Y,Tang Y,et al. Shale gas production evaluation framework based on data-driven models[J]. Petroleum Science,2023,In Press. (SCI)

    ●Tang Y,Wang N,He Y W,et al.et al. Impact of salt deposition induced by water evaporation on petrophysical properties and pore structure in underground gas storage through dynamic and static experiments[J]. Journal of Hydrology,2023,617,129033. (SCI)

    ●Tang Y,Hu S L,He Y W,et al. Experiment on CO2-brine-rock interaction during CO2 injection and storage in gas reservoirs with aquifer[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2021,413:127567. (SCI)

    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Li L,et al. Waterflood direction and front characterization with four-step work flow:a case study in Changqing Oil field,China[J]. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering,2017,20(3):708-725. (SCI)

    ●Tang Y,Chen Y L,He Y W,et al. An improved system for evaluating the adaptability of natural gas flooding in enhancing oil recovery considering the miscible ability[J]. Energy,2021(236):121441. (SCI)

    ●He Y W,Qin J,Cheng S Q,et al. Estimation of fracture production and water breakthrough locations of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells combining pressure-transient analysis and electrical resistance tomography[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020,194:107479. (SCI)

    ●汤勇,张皓川,何佑伟,等.一种新型油藏气驱采收率预测图版[J].石油勘探与开发,2022,49(3):1-8. (SCI)

    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Qin J. et al. Interference testing model of multiply fractured horizontal well with multiple injection wells[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2019,176:1106-1120. (SCI)

    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Qin J. et al. Analytical interference testing analysis of multi-segment horizontal well[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,171:919-927. (SCI)


    ●He Y W,Guo J C,Tang Y,et al. Well interference evaluation of Multi-well Pads in shale gas reservoirs[C]. Houston,TX,USA:SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,2020-10. (SPE年会,2020,EI)

    ●He Y W,Tang Y,Qin J,et al. Multi-phase rate transient analysis considering complex fracture networks[C]. Houston,TX,USA:SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,2020-10. (SPE年会,2020,EI)

    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Chai Z,et al. Application of inter-fracture injection and production in a cluster well to enhance oil recovery from unconventional reservoirs[C]. Calgary,Canada:SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,2019-10. (SPE年会,2019,EI)

    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Qin J,et al. A novel multi-well interference testing model of a fractured horizontal well and vertical wells[C]. Dallas,TX,USA:SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,2018-09. (SPE年会,2018,EI)

    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Qin J,et al. Successful application of well testing and electrical resistance tomography to determine production contribution of individual fracture and water-breakthrough locations of multifractured horizontal well in Changqing Oil Field,China[C]. San Antonio,TX,USA:SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,2017-10. (SPE年会,2017,EI)

    ●He Y W,Cheng S Q,Chai Z,et al. Simulation of inter-fracture injection and production in tight reservoirs based on compartmental Embedded Discrete Fracture Model[C]. Galveston,TX,USA:SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference,2019-04. (SPE油藏数值模拟会议,2019,EI)

    ●He Y W,He Z Y,Tang Y,et al. An integrated AI-based evaluation system for shale gas production prediction[C]. MIT,Boston (Virtual),USA:MIT A+B Applied Energy Symposium,2021-08.


    ●《Geoenergy Science and Engineering》期刊(SCI,二区,TOP期刊)副主编

    ●《Lithosphere》期刊(SCI)客座主编(Lead Editor)

    ●《Journal of GeoEnergy》副主编及编委

    ● SPE国际技术奖及SPE国际会议评审委员会委员

    ●《Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media》期刊(ESCI,EI)副主编

    ●《Petroleum Science》期刊(SCI、中国科技期刊卓越行动计划领军期刊)青年编委





    ●《SPE Journal》《石油勘探与开发》《SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering》《SPE Production & Operations》《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》《Applied Energy》《Engineering》《Fuel》等期刊审稿人




    ●中国科技期刊卓越行动计划领军期刊(SCI)《Petroleum Science》优秀青年编委,2022

    ●SPE杰出审稿贡献奖(2021 SPE Technical Reviewer Outstanding Service Award),国际石油工程师协会(SPE),2021


    ●《SPE Journal》期刊2019年度杰出审稿人奖,国际石油工程师协会(SPE),2019

    ●美国机械工程学会《Journal of Energy Resources Technology》期刊年度最佳审稿人奖,美国机械工程学会(ASME),2018




    ●工程学科、地球科学学科和交叉学科全球Top 1%审稿人奖,Publons,2019

    ●《Fuel》《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》期刊杰出审稿人奖,Elsevier,2018

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