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    职        称:讲师
    所属 部门:完井中心
    学科 专业:油气井工程
    研究 方向:油气井工程力学、管柱力学
    联系 方式:15528283863
    个人 主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hao_Yu95

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  •         博士,讲师,2019年6月毕业于金沙娱场城app7979油气井工程专业,获工学博士学位。主要从事岩石力学、水力压裂缝网演化、地应力场分析及钻完井过程中井筒完整性等理论和数值模拟研究。先后作为骨干研究人员参与了包括国家自然基金项目、国家重大专项及四川省重点项目等在内的科研项目8项。共发表论文39篇,其中SCI收录17篇,EI收录4篇,CSCD收录9篇,中文核心收录3篇,国际会议论文9篇。以第一作者身份(或导师第一,本人第二)发表学术论文26篇,其中SCI收录10篇,EI收录4篇,CSCD收录4篇,中文核心收录3篇,国际会议论文9篇(含SPE年会文章1篇,SPE/AAPG国际会议文章2篇,EAGE国际会议1篇)。


    ●2007.09-2011.07    重庆科技学院,石油工程,学士

    ●2011.07-2012.07    中国石化中原油田采油六厂,助理工程师

    ●2012.09-2015.07    金沙娱场城app7979,油气井工程,硕士(导师:练章华)

    ●2017.09-2018.10    美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,能源与矿业学院,国家公派联合培养博士研究生(合作导师:Dahi-Taleghani A)

    ●2015.09-2019.06    金沙娱场城app7979,油气井工程,博士(导师:练章华)

    ●2020.01-至今          金沙娱场城app7979,石油与天然气工程学院,讲师,师资博士后














    ●Yu H,Dahi-Taleghani A,Lian Z H,et al. On How Asymmetric Stimulated Rock Volume in Shales May Impact Casing Integrity[J]. Energy Science undefinedamp; Engineering,2020,00:1-17.(SCI三区)
    ●Yu H,Dahi-Taleghani A,Lian Z H. On How Pumping Hesitations May Improve Complexity of Hydraulic Fractures,A Simulation Study[J]. FUEL,2019,249:294-308.(SCI一区)
    ●Yu H,Dahi-Taleghani A,Lian Z H. Impact of the dogleg geometry on displacement efficiency during cementing:an integrated modelling approach[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2019,173:588-600.(SCI二区)
    ●Yu H,Dahi-Taleghani A,Lian Z H. Modelling Casing Wear at Doglegs by Incorporating Alternate Accumulative Wear[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,168:273-282.(SCI二区)
    ●Yu H,Lian Z H,Lin T J,et al. Experimental and numerical study on casing wear in a directional well under in situ stress for oil and gas drilling[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,35:986-996.(SCI二区)
    ●Yu H,Lian Z H,Lin T J,et al. Experimental and numerical study on casing wear in highly deviated drilling for oil and gas[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2016,8(7):1-15.(SCI四区)
    ●Lian Z H,Yu H,Lin T J,et al. A study on casing deformation failure during multi-stage hydraulic fracturing for the stimulated reservoir volume of horizontal shale wells[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2015,23:538-546.(SCI二区)
    ●Lin T J,Yu H,Lian Z H,et al. Numerical simulation of the influence of stimulated reservoir volume on in-situ stress field[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,36:1228-1238.(SCI二区)
    ●Lin T J,Yu H,Lian Z H,et al. Casing failure mechanism during volume fracturing:A case study of shale gas well[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2017,9(8):1-9.(SCI四区)
    ●Chen Y,Yu H,Shu Q G,et al. Experimental study of friction coefficient of rocks in high pressure and tight gas reservoirs in Sichuan[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J:Journal of Engineering Tribology,2018,232(11):1415-1427.(SCI四区)
    ●Dahi-Taleghani A,Gonzalez-Chavez M,Yu H,et al. Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in naturally fractured formations using the cohesive zone model[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,165:42-57.(SCI二区)
    ●Mou Y S,Lian Z H,Yu H,et al. SCC evaluation of composite materials for natural gas absorber based on experimental and numerical methods[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis,2020,110:104450.(SCI三区)
    ●Chen Y,Peng X,Yu H. Mechanical performance experiments on rock and cement,casing residual stress evaluation in the thermal recovery well based on thermal-structure coupling[J]. Energy Exploration undefinedamp; Exploitation,2017,35(5):591-608.(SCI四区)
    ●Luo T,Lian Z H,Yu H,et al. Reverse design based on slicing method[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,2019,41(12):1-11.(SCI四区)
    ●Yu H,Dahi-Taleghani A,Lian Z H,et al. Impact of asymmetric stimulated rock volume on casing deformation in multi-stage fracturing:a case study[C].SPE 195944,2019.(SPE收录,EI收录)
    ●Yu H,Dahi-Taleghani A,Lian Z H. Cement Placement in Severe Doglegs and Its Impact on Well Integrity:A Numerical Assessment[C]. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference 2018 (URTEC 2018),URTEC-2902132-MS,held by SPE AAPG SEG.Houston,Texas USA,23-25 July 2018.(SPE、AAPG、SEG收录,EI收录)
    ●Yu H,Dahi-Taleghani A,Lian Z H.Is Complexity of Hydraulic Fractures tunable A Question from Design Perspective [C].SPE/AAPG Eastern Regional Meeting 2018,SPE-191809-18ERM-MS,held by SPE AAPG,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,USA 7-11 October 2018.(SPE、AAPG收录,EI收录)
    ●Dahi-Taleghani A,Yu H,Lian Z H.Coupled Modeling of Complex Fracture Networks Induced during Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments [C].80th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018,held by EAGE SPE,Copenhagen,Denmark,11-14 June 2018.(EAGE收录,EI收录)
    ●于浩,练章华,林铁军.油田固井质量对套管损坏影响的数值仿真[J].计算机仿真,2014,31(9):161-164.(CSCD、中文核心 收录)
    ●于浩,练章华,冯智,等.石油套管偏磨后剩余强度的模拟分析 [J].润滑与密封,2015,40(6):25-31.(CSCD、中文核心 收录)
    ●于浩,练章华,林铁军,等.页岩气体积压裂过程中套管失效机理研究 [J].中国安全生产科学技术,2016,12(10):37-43.(CSCD、中文核心 收录)
    ●练章华,于浩,刘永辉,等.大斜度井中套管磨损机理研究[J].金沙娱场城app7979学报(自然科学版),2016,38(2):176-182.(CSCD、中文核心 收录)
    ●于浩,练章华,林铁军.页岩气压裂过程套管失效机理有限元分析[J].石油机械,2014,42(8):84-88.(中文核心 收录)
    ●于浩,练章华,林铁军,等.页岩气直井体积压裂过程中套管失效的数值模拟 [J].石油机械,2015,43(3):73-77.(中文核心 收录)
    ●于浩,练章华,程兴莲,等.涡轮钻具轴承磨损后力学性质的数值模拟研究[J].石油机械,2015,43(9):1-5.(中文核心 收录)
    ●练章华,罗泽利,于浩,等.砂泥岩夹层套管损坏的有限元分析及防控措施[J].石油钻采工艺,2016,38(6):887-892.(CSCD、中文核心 收录)
    ●练章华,罗泽利,于浩,等.具有腐蚀坑缺陷的套管强度评估[J].金沙娱场城app7979学报(自然科学版),2018,40(2):159-168.(CSCD、中文核心 收录)
    ●杨建功,练章华,于浩,等.油气长输管道第三方破坏监测优化仿真研究[J].计算机仿真,2016,33(2):469-474.(CSCD、中文核心 收录)

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