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   职       称:讲师
   所属 部门:油气井工程研究所
   学科 专业:油气井工程
   研究 方向:油气井流体力学、水射流动力学、空化射流、格子玻尔兹曼模拟
   联系 方式:15116947782;pengchiswpu@qq.com

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  • 彭炽,博士(后),讲师,SPE会员。2020年获中国石油大学(北京)油气井工程学科博士学位,2017.09-2018.9在美国佛罗里达国际大学访问学习。长期从事油气井流体力学、机器学习、井筒压力控制、水射流破岩技术、空化射流技术、岩石破碎学、格子玻尔兹曼多相流模拟等方面的理论研究、技术应用和教学工作。主持国家自然基金青年基金项目1项,参与国家科技重大专项、973计划课题、国家自然基金联合基金项目、面上项目、油田公司项目、国际合作项目等十余项。发表学术论文30余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI期刊论文12篇,包括中科院二区论文7篇、三区四区论文5篇,累计引用150余次;发表国际学术会议论文2篇,2次作为主讲嘉宾宣读主题论文。担任《Petroleum Science》青年编委,《Energy》《石油勘探开发》《Wear》《Geoenergy Science and Engineering》等期刊审稿人。


    ●2010.09-2014.06    中国石油大学(北京),石油工程,学士
    ●2013.12-2014.05    University of Calgary,Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering,留学基金委公派本科生项目
    ●2014.09-2020.06    中国石油大学(北京),油气井工程,博士(导师:李根生院士)
    ●2017.09-2018.09    Department of Earth and Environment,Florida International University,留学基金委公派联培博士,导师:Micheal Sukop(终身教授)
    ●2021.01-2023.01    金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,博士后
    ●2021.01-至今       金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师


    ●国家自然科学基金联合基金,U22A20164,四川盆地深层超深层气井环空带压预防与管控基础研究, 2023.01-2026.12,255万元,主研


    ●Li Q F,Peng C,Fu J H,et al. A comprehensive machine learning model for lithology identification while drilling[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering,2023,231:212333.
    ●Peng C,Pang J Y,Fu J H,et al. Predicting rate of penetration in ultra-deep wells based on deep learning method[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2023,48(12):16753-16768.
    ●Li Q F,Fu J H,Peng C,et al. A deep learning approach for abnormal pore pressure prediction based on multivariate time series of kick[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering,2023,226:211715.
    ●Peng C,Deng Z Y,Fu J H,et al. Numerical simulation of gas-liquid gravity displacement in vertical fractures during drilling of carbonate formations[J]. ACS omega,2023,8(9):8846-8864.
    ●Peng C,Li Q F,Fu J H,et al. An intelligent model for early kick detection based on cost-sensitive learning[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2023,169:398-417.
    ●Peng C,Zhang S L,Fu J H,et al. Erosion experiments of shale using a cavitation jet[J]. Ocean Engineering,2022,261:112115.
    ●Peng C,Li Q F,Fu J H,et al. Risk Assessment Method for Bullheading Killing Based on the Uncertainty of Formation Parameters[J]. Lithosphere,2022,12(1):1-14.
    ●Peng C,Zhang C Y,Li Q F,et al. Erosion characteristics and failure mechanism of reservoir rocks under the synergistic effect of ultrasonic cavitation and micro-abrasives[J]. Advanced Powder Technology,2021,32(11):4391-4407.
    ●Peng C,Tian S,Li G. Determination of the shedding frequency of cavitation cloud in a submerged cavitation jet based on high-speed photography images[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics,2021,33(1):127-139.
    ●Peng C,Tian S C,Li G S,et al. Simulation of multiple cavitation bubbles interaction with single-component multiphase Lattice Boltzmann method[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,137:301-317.
    ●Peng C,Tian S C,Li G S,et al. Simulation of laser-produced single cavitation bubbles with hybrid thermal Lattice Boltzmann method[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,149:119136.
    ●Peng C,Tian S C,Li G S,et al. Single-component multiphase lattice Boltzmann simulation of free bubble and crevice heterogeneous cavitation nucleation[J]. PHYSICAL REVIEW E,2018,98(2):023305.
    ●Peng C,Tian S C,Li G S,et al. Enhancement of cavitation intensity and erosion ability of submerged cavitation jet by adding micro-particles[J]. Ocean Engineering,2020,209:107516.
    ●Peng C,Tian S C,Li G S. Joint experiments of cavitation jet: High-speed visualization and erosion test[J]. Ocean Engineering,2018,149(FEB.1):1-13.
    ●Song X Z,Peng C,Li G S,et al. Optimization of operation parameters for helical flow cleanout with supercritical CO2 in horizontal wells using back-propagation artificial neural network[J]. Plos One,2016,11(6):e0156358.
    ●Song X Z,Peng C,Li G S,et al. A Probabilistic model to evaluate the operation reliability of the underground system in underground gas storage transformed from depleted gas reservoir[C]. Thailand,Bangkok:10th International Petroleum Technology Conference,December,2016.
    ●Peng C,Li G S,Tian S C. Dynamics of the cavitation cloud in submerged waterjet and its relation with jet erosion intensity[C]. America,New Orleans:WJTA-IMCA,October,2017.

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