陈明君 |
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陈明君,男,重庆荣昌人,博士(后),副研究员,SPE会员。2017年毕业于金沙娱场城app7979获工学博士学位,美国康奈尔大学和加拿大卡尔加里大学访问学者。长期从事储层保护、非常规气藏多尺度输运、高温高压岩石热物理等方面的理论研究、技术应用和教学工作。主持/主研国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、国家科技重大专项、国家重点实验室开放课题、油田公司重大项目、国际合作项目等10余项。在《Chemical Engineering Journal》《Fuel》《International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology》《中国科学:技术科学》等期刊发表学术论文40余篇,其中SCI期刊论文20余篇,EI、CSCD期刊论文及SPE年会论文等20余篇。申请、授权发明专利10余项。多次参加中国力学大会、Foundation CMG SUMMIT、IPTC等国内外重要学术会议。长期担任《Chemical Engineering Journal》《Energy & Fuels》《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》等期刊审稿人,多次获Elsevier杰出审稿人称号。
●2007.09-2011.07 金沙娱场城app7979,石油工程,学士
●2011.09-2017.06 金沙娱场城app7979,油气田开发工程,博士(硕博连读)
●2016.01-2016.12 加拿大卡尔加里大学,访问学者,研修非常规气藏多尺度输运
●2017.09-2021.01 金沙娱场城app7979,地质资源与地质工程学科,博士后
●2018.09-2020.12 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,讲师
●2020.01-2020.11 美国康奈尔大学,访问学者,研修非常规油气层保护
●2020.12-至今 金沙娱场城app7979石油与天然气工程学院,副研究员
●道达尔-苏里格南作业分公司岩心分析化验项目,Core Analysis Study of SN0114-05/SN0119-05,2012/03-2013/05,主研
●Chen M J,Kang Y L,Zhang T S,et al. Methane diffusion in shales with multiple pore sizes at supercritical conditions[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2018,334:1455-1465.(SCI收录,一区TOP期刊)
●Chen M J,Li P S,Kang Y L,et al. Effect of aqueous phase trapping in shale matrix on methane sorption and diffusion capacity[J]. Fuel,2021,289:119967.(SCI收录,一区TOP期刊)
●Chen M J,Lu Y,Kang Y L,et al. Investigation of enhancing multi-gas transport ability of coalbed methane reservoir by oxidation treatment[J]. Fuel,2020,278:118377.(SCI收录,一区TOP期刊)
●Bai J J,Kang Y L,Chen M J,et al. Investigation of multi-gas transport behavior in shales via a pressure pulse method[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,360:1667-1677.(SCI收录,一区TOP期刊)
●Liu J,Kang Y L,Chen M J,et al. Investigation of enhancing coal permeability with high-temperature treatment[J]. Fuel,2021,290:120082.(SCI收录,一区TOP期刊)
●Jiajia Bai,Kang Y L,Chen M J,et al. Impact of surface chemistry and pore structure on water vapor adsorption behavior in gas shale[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,2020,402:126238.(SCI收录,一区TOP期刊)
●Chen M J,Kang Y L,Zhang T S,et al. Methane adsorption behavior on shale matrix at in-situ pressure and temperature conditions:Measurement and modeling[J]. Fuel,2018,228:39-49.(SCI收录,二区TOP期刊)
●Chen M J,Bai J J,Kang Y L,et al. Redistribution of fracturing fluid in shales and its impact on gas transport capacity[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2021,86:103747.(SCI收录,二区期刊)
●Chen M J,Lu Y,Kang Y L,et al. Parameters selection for experiment on aqueous phase trapping damage in shale gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2020,83:103551.(SCI收录,二区期刊)
●Bai J J,Kang Y L,Chen M J,et al. Impact of Water Film on Methane Surface Diffusion in Gas Shale Organic Nanopores[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2021,196:108045.(SCI收录,二区期刊)
●Lu Y,Kang Y L,Chen M J,et al. Response of multi-scale mass transport to oxidation treatment in subbituminous coalbed methane reservoir[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2020,78:103315.(SCI收录,二区期刊)
●Chen M J,Kang Y L,Zhang X Y,et al. Evaluation of aqueous phase trapping in shale gas reservoirs based on analytic hierarchy process[J]. Energy & Fuels,2021,35(2):1389–1397.(SCI收录)
●Chen M J,Lai Z,Kang Y L,et al. Impact of aqueous phase trapping on mass transfer in shales with multiscale channels[J]. Energy & Fuels,2020,34(9):10724-10739.(SCI收录)
●Bai J J,Kang Y L,Chen M J,et al. Impact of the Water Adsorption Monolayer on Methane Ad-/Desorption Behavior in Gas Shale Nanopores[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2021,60(7):3130–3141.(SCI收录)
●Chen M J,Kang Y L,Zhang T S,et al. Shale gas transport behavior considering dynamic changes in effective flow channels[J]. Energy Science & Engineering,2019,7:2059-2076.(SCI收录)
●Chen M J,Kang Y L,Li X C,et al. Investigation of multi-scale gas transport behavior in organic-rich shale[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,36:1188-1198.(SCI收录)
●Kang Y L,Chen M J,Chen Z X,et al. Investigation of formation heat treatment to enhance the multiscale gas transport ability of shale[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016,35:265-275.(SCI收录)
●Kang Y L,Chen M J,You L J,et al. The critical porosity of tight sandstone: electrical property change based on pore structure and minerals[J]. International Journal of Oil,Gas and Coal Technology,2016,13(4):321-337.(SCI收录)
●Kang Y L,Chen M J,Li X C,et al. Laboratory measurement and interpretation of nonlinear gas flow in shale[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C,2015,26(6):1550063.(SCI收录)
●Kang Y L,Chen M J,You L J,et al. Laboratory measurement and interpretation of the changes of physical properties after heat treatment in tight porous media[J]. Journal of Chemistry,2015,341616.(SCI收录)
●Chen M J,Kang Y L,Chen Z X,et al.A unified model for evaluating multiscale gas flow capacity in organic-rich shale[C]. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,San Antonio,Texas,USA,2017,9-11 October.(SPE年会,EI收录)
●Chen M J,Liu J,Kang Y L,et al. Evaluation of Multi-gas Transport Behavior in Shales Through A Universal Model[C]. Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference,Brisbane,Australia,2019,18-19 November.(EI收录)
●Chen M J,Shao J X,You L J,et al. Fines Migration Behavior during Cyclic Injection and Production of Underground Gas Storage Wells[C]. 13th International Petroleum Technology Conference,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,2021,23-25 March.(EI收录)
●Chen M J,Kang Y L,Li X C,et al. Measurement and modeling of multi-scale gas transport in organic-rich shale[C]. China Shale Gas 2015,Wuhan,Hubei,2015,6-8 September.(会议论文,宣读)
●陈明君,张晓怡,康毅力,等.一种页岩水相圈闭损害评价的实验参数获取方法:201911421473.8[P]. 2020-04-14.
●游利军,康毅力,陈明君,等.一种致密岩心可溶盐的清洗方法:201310296131.4[P]. 2015-05-13.
●白佳佳,康毅力,游利军,梁李,陈明君.一种基于波义耳定律的静态高压配气装置:201620497712.3 [P].2016-10-12.