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SWPU Delegation Designated as Meritorious Winnerin 2023 Mathematical Contest In Modeling

Release Date:May 10, 2023    author:

Recently, the results of 2023 Mathematical Contest In Modeling and the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (hereinafter referred to as MCM/ICM) were announced. SWPU delegation won 1 first prize and 4 second prizes.

The contests attracted many universities from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, China and other countries. 20,858 teams from Oxford University, Cambridge University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and other universities participated. The competition involved varied fields such as engineering, resources, environment, economy, management, etc. Each team consists of 3 undergraduates. They are required to make the best use of their strengths to analyze, model, and solve an open-ended application problem, and to produce an academic report concerning it in English within 4 days.

There are 4 levels of awards, namely Outstanding Winner (Grand Prize) (<1%), Finalist Winner (Grand Prize Nomination Prize) (2%), Meritorious Winner (First Prize) (6-7%), and Honorable Mention (Second Prize) (21-22%).

MCM/ICM is sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications in the USA. It consists of Mathematical Contest In Modeling (MCM) and Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling (ICM).), and is currently the only international mathematical modeling competition, as well as the most influential in the world. The competition requires contestants to have solid foundation in mathematics, computer science, and English academic writing competence. (Liu Jinghao)

Certificate of Achievement: Meritorious Winner

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