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Energy Low-carbon Development Forum

Topic: Better balance energy development and security

Time: 14:00-16:30, Apr. 21st, 2022

Tecent ID: 765-713-377

Keynote Speakers and Lectures

Keynote Speaker: Lei Xianzhang, SWPU Chief Scientist of Carbon Neutrality

Lecture: Carbon Neutrality: China’s Mission and Responsibility

Keynote Speaker:Zhang Yousheng, Deputy Director of Energy Institute, China Academy of Macroeconomic Research

Lecture:Critical Issues to be Solved in Energy Transformation

Host:Tian Lei, Deputy Director of Energy Economy and Strategic Development Center, China Academy of Macroeconomic Research

Sponsor:Institute of Science and Technology Development, Southwest Petroleum University (Innovation Consortium)

Organizers:Sichuan Petroleum and Natural Gas Development Research Center, Tianfu New Energy Research Institute, School of Economics and Management, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Special Committee on Low-Carbon Energy Development and Special Committee on Low-carbon Development of Electric Power Industry of Sichuan Circular Economy Association.


Lei Xianzhang, professor, Chief scientist of carbon neutrality at Southwest Petroleum University, and Distinguished Expert of State Grid Corporation of China. He has engaged in energy and equipment research for a long term and is a well-known expert in the new energy industry. In the past ten years, he has been deeply involved in new energy and carbon neutrality in Europe.

Zhang Yousheng, a PhD and researcher, Deputy Director of the Energy Research Institute at the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research. His research interests include energy strategy and planning, energy policy, etc.

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