















Email: lifei@swpu.edu.cn


李飞,男,汉族,教授,博士生导师。主要从事碳酸盐沉积学、地质微生物学,以及古海洋化学等方面的科研、教学工作。省级一流课程教学团队成员。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项(面上2项,青年1项)、国际沉积学家协会博士后基金1项(IAS Post-Doctoral Research Grant),四川省科技计划项目1项,国家重点实验室基金2项,中石油重点实验室创新基金1项。另外主持和作为主要骨干承担各类科研、技术协作和基础地质调查项目/课题10余项。目前发表论文50余篇(一作/通讯32篇),其中包括Earth-Science Reviews, Global and Planetary Change, Chemical Geology, Sedimentary Geology, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Palaeo-3等 SCI收录论文20余篇,授权/受理国家发明专利5件。担任《沉积学报》青年编委,《地球科学》和《Journal of Earth Science》青年编委,《古地理学报》编委,国家、省级基金项目评审专家,硕、博士论文/专业技术职称评阅专家,国内外十余个专业领域杂志审稿人。


1.  碳酸盐沉积和成岩过程


2. 碳酸盐岩原位微区分析技术研发


3. 碳酸盐岩大数据处理和工厂生产定量表征




2017/11-2018/10, 澳大利亚昆士兰大学,   地球与环境科学学院,访问学者





2022/12至今,         金沙娱场城app7979,地球科学与技术学院, 教授

2017/12–2022/11, 金沙娱场城app7979,地球科学与技术学院, 副教授/副研究员

2015/12–2017/11, 金沙娱场城app7979,地球科学与技术学院, 助理研究员

2010/07–2015/11, 中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所,        助理研究员/研究实习员




1. 《沉积岩石学》(双语)

2. 《沉积岩石学实验》




相关事宜咨询请联系本人邮箱 lifei@swpu.edu.cn。





















9.  国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于碳酸盐岩原位分析的寒武纪芙蓉世陆源风化增强与氧化脉冲耦合机制研究(42172136)” (2022-2025)主持;

8.  四川省科技计划项目“华南寒武系微生物岩沉积过程及对储层发育影响研究(20YYJC1185)”(2020-2021)主持;

7.  国家自然科学基金面上项目“寒武系第二统至芙蓉统浅水沉积记录中的稀土组成特征及演化规律研究(41872119)” (2019-2022)主持;

6.  中国石油集团碳酸盐岩储层重点实验室创新基金“震旦—寒武系微生物岩特征及古海洋化学条件研究:以四川和塔里木盆地为例”(2018-2019)主持;

5.  国际沉积学家协会(IAS)博士后研究基金Modern Bahamian ooid REE composition and its significance to paleoceanography”(2017春季)主持;

4.  国家自然科学基金青年基金“鲕粒异常原生矿物学特征对早三叠世海洋环境的指示(41502115)”(2016-2018)主持;

3.  生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室开放基金“鲕粒微生物成因及对早三叠世印度期末变冷事件的响应(GBL21501)”(2015-2016)主持;

2.  生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室开放基金“鲕粒异常原生矿物及粒径变化对早三叠世初期海洋酸化事件的响应研究(GBL21303)”(2013-2014)主持;

1.  中国地质科学院重点开放实验室专项基金项目“桂林会仙岩溶湿地沉积物粒度特征及环境意义(2011-sys-15)”(2011-2012)主持;


5.  中石油勘探开发研究院西北分院技术服务项目“柴西北页岩油有机质富集指数分析测试”(2023)主持;

4.  中石油勘探开发研究院西北分院技术服务项目“柴西微生物岩微区同位素及拉曼光谱分析”(2022)主持;

3.  中石油勘探开发研究院西北分院技术服务项目“柴西微生物岩沉积环境微区实验分析”(2020-2021)主持;

2.  中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所所控项目“南洞地下河流域遥感地质研究”(2014)主持;

1.  中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所所控项目“基于微相分析的栖霞组地层中石漠化形成机理研究”(2011)主持;


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60. 李飞*李雅兰, 王曾俊, 李杨凡, 李滢. (待刊) 现代鲕粒工厂特征及对深时研究的启示. 沉积学报, https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2024.006

59. Lu, C., Koeshidayatullah, A., Li, F., Cui, H., Zou, H.*, Swart, P.K. (2024) A clumped isotope diagenetic framework for the Ediacaran dolomites: Insights to fabric-specific geochemical variabilities. Sedimentology 71, 546-572. https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.13144


58. 李雅兰,李飞, 李翔.(实审)一种适用于碳酸盐岩中低含量元素的原位微区分析方法. 发明专利. 申请号:2023110346147

57. 王曾俊, 李飞*, 李杨凡, 李怡霖, 曾伟, 李雅兰, 李滢. (待刊) 微生物碳酸盐生产工厂的构成、特征及沉积学意义——以河南云梦山剖面为例. 沉积学报, https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.10000-550.2023.059

56. Li, Yi-Lin, Li, F.*, Kershaw, S, Burne, R., Wang, X., Lu, C., Liao, J., Li, Y.-F., Wang, Z., Li, Ya-Lan (2023) Extensive occurrences of lower Cambrian red beds in South China: Composition, characteristics, and implications for global environmental change. Marine and Petroleum Geology 157, 106475. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2023.106475

55. 李飞, 卢朝进, 王夏, 王利超, 鲁子野, 叶宁, 李雅兰. (实审) 一种用于白云石原位微区分析的天然矿物标样制作方法. 发明专利. 申请号:CN202310242479.9

54. Li, Y.-F., Li, F.* (2023) How did reefs evolve during the Precambrian-Cambrian transition? Journal of Earth Science 34 1306-1307. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-023-1871-x

53. 王夏, 曾雨涵, 李飞, 柳晶晶, 孟令赞, 冯翼妍. (实审) 基于礁灰岩的方解石原位微区元素分析标样制备方法. 发明专利. 申请号:CN202310474321.4

52. 李杨凡, 李飞*, 王夏, 李翔, 李怡霖, 王曾俊, 李雅兰, 易楚恒, 曾伟 (2023) 上扬子北缘寒武纪早期后生动物礁特征及古环境意义. 地球科学 48, 4321-4334. https://doi.org/10.3799/dqkx.2023.106

51. Xin, H., Chen, J.*, Gao, B., Li, F., Myrow, P.M. (2023) Spatio-temporal distribution of the Cambrian maceriate reefs across the North China Platform. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 614, 111429. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111429

50. 李飞, 王曾俊, 李雅兰.(实审)一种用于碳酸盐岩原位微区超微粉末压饼标样制作方法. 发明专利. 申请号:202211356635.6

49. 李怡霖, 李飞*, 李翔, 王夏, 李杨凡, 王曾俊, 易楚恒, 曾伟, 李雅兰 (待刊) 寒武系第二统浅水混合沉积发育特征及影响因素——以陕南朱家坝剖面仙女洞组为例. 沉积学报, https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.10000550.2022.116

48. 李雅兰, 李飞*, 吕月健, 王夏, 李红, 王曾俊, 易楚恒, 李杨凡, 曾伟, 李怡霖 (待刊) 陕南勉县寒武系仙女洞组生物礁岩相学及古环境分析. 沉积学报, https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.082

47. 李飞, 卢朝进.一种原位微区元素分析标样、制备方法及应用. 中国发明专利. 专利号:ZL202210066350.2


46. 李凌*, 谭秀成, 夏青松, 屈海洲, 李飞, 韦恒叶, 廖纪佳 (2022) 基于专业、课程与团队三位一体的沉积岩与沉积相课程思政建设. 高教学刊 8(24), 185-188. (教改论文)

45. 李杨凡李飞* (2022) 前寒武—寒武纪重大转折期生物礁是如何演化的?地球科学 47, 3853-3855. https://doi.org/10.3799/dqkx.2022.838

44. Yu, W.*, Algeo, T.J., Zhou, Q., Wei, W., Yang, M., Li, F., Du, Y., Pan, W., Wang, P. (2022) Evaluation of alkalinity sources to Cryogenian cap carbonates, and implications for cap carbonate formation models. Global and Planetary Change 217, 103949. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103949

43. Li, X., Li, F.*, Wang, J., Wang, B., Wang, Z., Sun, X., Qiao, L., Yi, C. (2022) Formation and preservation of Eocene lacustrine microbialites in the western Qaidam Basin (northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China): petrological, mineralogical, and geochemical constraints. Sedimentary Geology 440, 106257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2022.106257

42. He, X., Zhao, J., Zhou, R., Feng, Y., Leonard, N., Li, F., Liu, Z., Li, W., Tan, S.* (2022) The distribution and substitution mechanism of trace elements in cassiterites: Constraints from LA-ICP-MS UPb dating, elemental mapping and in situ trace element analyses of the Gejiu tin polymetallic deposit, SW China. Chemical Geology 609, 121063. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121063

41. 李飞*, 易楚恒, 李红, 王夏, 李杨凡, 李怡霖, 曾伟, 王曾俊 (2022) 微生物成因鲕粒研究进展. 沉积学报 40, 319-334. https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.137


40. 邢倩, 李飞*  (2021) 研究生实践类“云课堂”建设及效果评价研究 ——以金沙娱场城app79792020年地质认识实习课程为例. 高教学刊 7(36), 14-16+21. (教改论文)

39. Li, H., Li, F.*, Li, X., Zeng, K., Gong, Q., Yi, C., Wang, Z. (2021) Development and collapse of the early Cambrian shallow-water carbonate factories in the Hannan-Micangshan area, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 583, 110665. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110665

38. 邓嘉婷, 李飞*, 龚峤林, 李红, 易楚恒, 连承波 (2021) 埃迪卡拉纪寒武纪之交微生物岩特征对比及古海洋学意义:以汉南米仓山地区为例. 古地理学报 23, 919-936. https://doi.org/10.7605/gdlxb.2021.05.056 

37. Li, F*., Deng, J., Kershaw, S., Burne, R.V., Gong, Q., Tang, H., Lu, C., Qu, H., Zheng, B., Luo, S., Jin, Z., Tan, X. (2021) Microbialite development through the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in China: Distribution, characteristics, and paleoceanographic implications. Global and Planetary Change 205, 103586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103586

36. 李翔, 王建功, 李飞, 王玉林, 伍坤宇, 李亚锋, 李显明 (2021) 柴达木盆地西部始新统湖相微生物岩沉积特征——以西岔沟和梁东地区下干柴沟组为例. 岩性油气藏 33, 63-73. https://doi.org/10.12108/yxyqc.20210306

35. 苏成鹏, 李飞*, 谭秀成, 王小芳, 龚峤林, 李明隆, 芦飞凡, 唐浩, 邓嘉婷, 李红 (2021) 古代碳酸盐岩台地自生泥质组分成因及意义——以上寺剖面中二叠统茅口组为例. 沉积学报 39, 550-570. https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.072

34. 李红, 李飞*, 龚峤林, 曾楷, 邓嘉婷, 王浩铮, 苏成鹏 (2021) 混积岩中重矿物形貌学特征及物源意义——以川北寒武系第二统仙女洞组为例. 沉积学报 39, 525-539. https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2020.073

33. Gong, Q., Li, F.*, Lu, C., Wang, H., Tang, H. (2021) Tracing seawater- and terrestrial-sourced REE signatures in detritally contaminated, diagenetically altered carbonate rocks. Chemical Geology 570, 120169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120169

32. 金值民, 谭秀成, 唐浩, 沈安江, 李飞, 乔占峰, 罗思聪, 郑剑锋, 王小芳 (2021) 塔里木盆地西北部寒武系纽芬兰统玉尔吐斯组混积岩早成岩期岩溶特征及其地质意义. 古地理学报 23, 191-206. https://doi.org/10.7605 /gdlxb.2021.01.013

31. 李红, 李飞, 邓嘉婷 (2021) 一种原位微区样品分析辅助装置. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202022270378.7


30. 李飞*, 邢倩 (2020) 在线教育常态化下高校专业课程教学实践分析. 高教学刊 6(36), 102-105. (教改论文)

29. Lu, C., Li, F.*, Oehlert, A., Li, J., Zou, H.* (2020) Reconstructing paleoceanographic conditions during the middle Ediacaran: Evidence from giant ooids in South China. Precambrian Research 351, 105945. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105945

28. Cui, H., Veríssimo Warren, L., Uhlein, G.J., Okubo, J., Liu, X.-M., Plummer, R.E., Baele, J.-M., Goderis, S., Claeys, P., Li, F. (2020) Global or regional? Constraining the origins of the middle Bambuí carbon cycle anomaly in Brazil. Precambrian Research 348, 105861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105861

27. 金值民, 谭秀成, 唐浩, 沈安江, 乔占峰, 郑剑锋, 李飞, 张世轩, 陈雷, 周成刚 (2020) 浅水超覆沉积富有机质细粒沉积物沉积环境与岩石学特征: 以塔里木盆地西北部寒武系玉尔吐斯组为例. 石油勘探与开发 47, 476-489. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2020.03.00 [Jin, Z., Tan, X., Tang, H., Shen, A., Qiao, Z., Zheng, J., Li, F., Zhang, S., Chen, L., Zhou, C. (2020) Sedimentary environment and petrological features of organic-rich fine sediments in shallow water overlapping deposits: A case study of Cambrian Yuertus Formation in northwestern Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Exploration and Development 47, 513-526. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1876-3804(20)60069-6

26. Yu, X., Liu, C., Wang, C., Li, F., Wang, J., 2020. Eolian deposits of the northern margin of the South China (Jianghan Basin): Reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous East Asian landscape in central China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 117, 104390. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104390

25. 苏成鹏, 谭秀成, 王小芳, 李飞, 芦飞凡, 李明隆, 胡笙 (2020) 四川盆地东部中二叠统茅口组眼球状石灰岩储层特征及成因. 海相油气地质 25, 55-62. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-9854.2020.01.006

24. 曾楷, 李飞*, 龚峤林, 唐浩, 苏成鹏, 车正强, 邓嘉婷, 胡广, 李凌, 曾伟, 谭秀成 (2020) 寒武系第二统仙女洞组混合沉积特征及古环境意义——以川北旺苍唐家河剖面为例. 沉积学报 38, 166-181. https://doi.org/10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.015

23. Su, C., Li, F.*, Tan, X.*, Gong, Q., Zeng, K., Tang, H., Li, M., Wang, X. (2020) Recognition of diagenetic contribution to the formation of limestone-marl alternations: A case study from Permian of South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 111, 765-785. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.033


22. 唐浩, 刘宏, 李飞. 地史关键转折期微生物岩特征研究——以早寒武世和二叠三叠纪之交为例. 石油工业出版社: 北京, 2019.

21. Tang, H., Kershaw, S., Tan, X.-C., Liu, H., Li, F., Shen, C., Lu, F.-F., Yang, X.-F. (2019) Sedimentology of reefal buildups of the Xiannüdong Formation (Cambrian Series 2), SW China. Journal of Palaeogeography 8, 11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42501-019-0022-x

20. Li, F.*, Webb, G.E., Algeo, T.J., Kershaw, S., Lu, C., Oehlert, A.M., Gong, Q., Pourmand, A., Tan, X. (2019) Modern carbonate ooids preserve ambient aqueous REE signatures. Chemical Geology 509, 163-177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.01.015

19. Li, F.*, Gong, Q., Burne, R.V.*, Tang, H., Su, C., Zeng, K., Zhang, Y., Tan, X. (2019) Ooid factories operating under hothouse conditions in the earliest Triassic of South China. Global and Planetary Change 172, 336-354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.10.012

18. Luo, S., Tan, X., Chen, L., Li, F., Chen, P., Xiao, D. (2019) Dense brine refluxing: A new genetic interpretation of widespread anhydrite lumps in the Oligocene–Lower Miocene Asmari Formation of the Zagros foreland basin, NE Iraq. Marine and Petroleum Geology 101, 373-388. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.12.005

17. Zhong, Y., Tan, X., Zhao, L., Guo, R., Li, F., Jin, Z., Chen, Y., Xiao, D. (2019) Identification of facies-controlled eogenetic karstification in the Upper Cretaceous of the Halfaya oilfield and its impact on reservoir capacity. Geological Journal 54, 450-465. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3193


16. Zhong, Y., Zhou, L., Tan, X., Guo, R., Zhao, L., Li, F., Jin, Z., Chen, Y. (2018) Characteristics of depositional environment and evolution of Upper Cretaceous Mishrif Formation, Halfaya Oil field, Iraq based on sedimentary microfacies analysis. Journal of African Earth Sciences 140, 151-168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.01.007

15. Batchelor, M.T., Burne, R.V., Henry, B.I., Li, F., Paul, J. (2018) A biofilm and organo-mineralisation model for the growth and limiting size of ooids. Scientific Reports 8, 559. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-18908-4

14. 龚峤林, 李飞*, 苏成鹏, 曾楷, 唐浩, 谭秀成 (2018) 细粒浊积岩特征、分布及发育机制:以川北唐家河剖面寒武系郭家坝组为例. 古地理学报 20, 349-364. https://doi.org/10.7605/gdlxb.2018.03.026


13. Li, F., Yan, J. X.*, Burne, R. V., Chen, Z.-Q., Algeo, T. J.*, Zhang, W., Tian, L., Liu, K., Xie, S. C. (2017) Paleo-seawater REE compositions and microbial signatures preserved in laminae of Lower Triassic ooids. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 486, 96-107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.04.005

12. Tang, H., Kershaw, S., Liu, H., Tan, X., Li, F., Hu, G., Huang, C., Wang, L., Lian, C., Li, L., Yang, X. (2017) Permian-Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) in southwest China: implications for paleoenvironment reconstruction. Facies 63, 2, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10347-016-0482-8


11. 黎虹玮, 李飞*, 胡广, 谭秀成, 李凌 (2016) 二叠纪三叠纪之交全球海平面变化研究. 沉积学报 34, 1077-1091. https://doi.org/10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2016.06.007

10. Huang, H., Jin, X., Li, F., Shen, Y. (2016) Permian oolitic carbonates from the Baoshan Block in western Yunnan, China, and their paleoclimatic and paleogeographic significance. International Journal of Earth Sciences 106, 1341-1358. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-016-1400-6


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