
Opening Ceremony Speech

发布日期:2015年10月17日      作者:      编辑:廖颖      审核:      点击:[]

(Delivered by Dr.Andre Boyer on the 9th Day of September, 2015, Southwest Petroleum University)

Da (4) Jia (2) Hao (3) Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a sincere honor to provide opening remarks to the staff, faculty, and students at Xinan ShiYou Daxue. I would like to start by saying “Thank You”; Xie Xie Ni” to the dean and department heads for allowing me this opportunity of welcoming you. I also want to congratulate all of you for studying and passing the rigorous entrance exams.  Congratulations!

Confucius who is considered to be China’s first and greatest teacher stated:

If you love being kind to others, but don’t like to study, then your kindness will be distorted into simplicity. If you love wisdom, but you don’t like to study, then your wisdom will be distorted into aimlessness. If you love trustworthiness, but you don’t like to study, then your trust will be distorted into harm. If you love candor, but don’t like to study, your candor will be distorted into rudeness. If you love boldness, but don’t like to study, your boldness will be distorted into unruliness. If you love persistence, but don’t like to study, your persistence will be distorted into rashness.

From my understanding of his teachings, education is not only important for self; it is equally significant in globalization for through it we learn about others. Nelson Mandela stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Therefore, I want to share three thoughts to help us to be kind, wise, trustworthy, candid, bold, persistent, and impact the world as global citizens.

First, continue to study hard. Someone told me “to do what you have to do then you can do what you want to do”. Second, finish your goal for it can benefit you and your family. Third, be a life-long learner for it adds value to our global village.

When I started my educational path many years ago, I was unclear on where it would lead me. Now, I am at this prestigious school to share and learn with and from you all. I came to China to serve as a Peace Corps or US-China Friendship Volunteer English Teacher. This organization is a collaboration between our countries whose goal is to foster peace between the people of China and the people of the US; so my continued love and joy of study brought me here today!

To the Xinan ShiYou Daxue 2015 Freshman Class, in the words of Chairman Mao as spoken by President Nixon in 1972: Ten Thousand Years are too long. Seize the day; Seize the hour!Finally, by working and studying hard, pursuing a higher education, and having a joy of learning, I met my personal and professional goals, helped others reach theirs, and enjoy life. As you make your mark in history and in the future; tackle it with tenacity, energy, and a love of study!

Xie Xie, Ni; Thank you!

上一条:外国语学院三名同学获2015年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲、写作、阅读大赛四川省复赛二等奖、三等奖 下一条:第二届金沙娱场城app7979外语文化节新闻发布会圆满举行

