
学术交流:Advances in Digital Rock Physics as Applied to Flow and Transport in Tight Geological Porous Media

发布日期:2024年11月01日      作者:黄刘科      编辑:万旭升      审核:甘丹      点击:[]

人:孙树瑜 沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学教授

报告时间:11 4 16:00


报告人简介:孙树瑜,沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学教授,2020年度入选中国教育部长江学者讲座教授。他先后于1991年和1994年毕业于天津大学获工学学士和工学硕士学位,随后继续就读于天津大学和美国德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校并毕业获化学工程专业 (1997年,师从中国科学院院士余国琮) 和计算与应用数学专业 (2003年,师从美国国家工程院院士Mary Wheeler) 双博士学位。 他于2003年至2009年间先后在美国德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校任博士后和副研究员及在美国克莱姆森大学任助理教授兼博士生导师。20098月,他作为百位创校教授之一加盟阿卜杜拉国王科技大学 (KAUSTUS News排名全球前一百) 至今,目前任该校计算传质现象实验室(CTPL)主任,地球科学系教授,石油工程系教授和数学系教授。已发表SCI期刊论文390余篇,总计被引超过12200余次,H指数56。先后指导硕博研究生共50余名(已毕业博士15),博士后研究人员20余位。目前兼任 Journal of Computational Physics (JCP)Gas Science and EngineeringInterPore Journal Computational Geoscience 等国际知名期刊的副主编,以及 Applied EnergyApplied Thermal EngineeringFuelComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 等国际知名期刊客座主编。他从2020年起至今,连续五年入选了工程学科全球顶尖科学家” (斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单);并在工程和数学两个学科都荣列国际知名学术网站 Research.com 发布的 2024 年度全球顶尖科学家名录,排名全球第1922名。他目前是InterPore Saudi Chapter的主席。

报告内容摘要:Darcy-scale multi-phase flow simulation in subsurface reservoirs has routinely used by reservoir engineers over half a century. More recently, digital Rock Physics (DRP) and pore-scale flow simulation have also become a complementary part in reservoir characterization over the past two or three decades as non-destructive methods used to determine absolute/relative permeability, capillarity, effective elastic rock parameters and other porous media properties. In the recent two decades, the Navier–Stokes–Cahn–Hilliard (NSCH) system has started to merge as the standard model for the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of incompressible immiscible two-phase flow, with finite volume methods (FVM), finite element methods (FEM), Lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM), and Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics (SPH) as popular discretization schemes. Since DNS is computationally expensive with complex geometrical pore space, a simplified yet powerful strategy known as the pore network model (PNM) has been constructed and applied widely for simulating a variety of different physical and chemical processes in porous media, including capillarity effect, phase exchange, non-Newtonian displacement, non-Darcy flow, and reactive transport; but slippage effects, adsorption, desorption, and confinement effects within tight pore channels still require models in smaller scales such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.

In this talk, we share a few of our recent works in digital rock physics and pore-scale flow simulation, including 1) our research on the two-scale molecular dynamics–Monte Carlo (MD-MC) framework with applications in tight pore-scale phenomena including transport of shale gas/oil and leakage of subsurface hydrogen storage; 2) our ongoing research on energy-stable strategy of Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) with applications on two-phase flow and reactive transport in porous media; 3) our novel SPH-based particle method for pore-scale flow simulation, which preserves not only mass, momentum but also energy dissipation law in the discrete solution; and 4) the pore network model (PNM) described from model reduction viewpoint for pore-scale fluid flow as well as our new pixel-free algorithm of pore-network model extraction known as the flashlight search medial axis algorithm. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the advantages of the new models and/or algorithms.



上一条:学术交流:工匠精神与创新方法 下一条:学术讲座:Simulating Perforation Damage with a Flat-Jointed Bonded-Particle Material

