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Jet Fuel Hedging, Operational Fuel Efficiency Improvement and Carbon Tax

来源:明理楼B203     报告人:肖义彬    审核:杨兆中    编辑:沈立芹     发布日期:2023年05月19日    浏览量:[]

报告题目: Jet Fuel Hedging, Operational Fuel Efficiency Improvement and Carbon Tax

报 告 人: 肖义彬 教授

报告时间: 5月21日15:00-17:00

报告地点: 明理楼B203




In this talk, we build a simple theoretical model to compare the implications of fuel financial hedge and operational fuel efficiency improvement on airlines’ expected profit. We find that financial hedge is more efficient in reducing airlines’profit volatility/risk exposure, while operational improvement will generate a higher expected profit level when its effectiveness is sufficiently high. With market competition, operational improvement will be less prevalent. Furthermore, a fuel/carbon tax makes financial hedge less attractive and operational improvement more attractive.

主办单位:理学院、人工智能研究院、非线性动力系统研究所、数理力学研究中心 、科学技术发展研究院

