Training Program for Master Students in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering (Subject Code: 0818)

发布日期:2018年07月09日      作者:     编辑:王申申     审核:     浏览:[]



I. Cultivating Objective

The program aims to cultivate high-level scientific and engineering talents who understand Chinese culture, politics, economy and history, with certain level of Chinese language mastery; who possess down-to-earth, scientific and rigorous attitude towards learning, good work style, exploring spirit and certain innovation capacity; who have mastered a solid fundamental knowledge and systematic specialized knowledge and possess the ability to find, analyze and solve problems in practical work as well as apply the theories, methods and research technologies of the subject proficiently and independently conduct scientific researches, technology R&D and management in fields relating to the subject.

II. Training Direction

Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration

The Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration in our school is characterized by petroleum and gas geology and exploration, mainly on petroleum and gas resource exploration theory, method and technology research. Guided by the theories of modern earth science and petroleum and gas geology, and with the aim of discovering and identifying petroleum and gas resources, realizing the rational exploitation of oil and gas resources, and optimizing the comprehensive benefits of utilization and environmental protection, the program comprehensively utilizes basic geological and mineral geological survey methods, earth exploration technology, earth information technology, geochemical technology and relevant engineering technology, studies the geologic background of petroleum and gas resources formation, reservoir forming conditions and mechanism, explores and recognizes the regularity and randomness of the space-time distribution of petroleum and gas, especially from the analysis of petroliferous basins, sediment and reservoir geology, formation and distribution of petroleum and gas reservoirs, unconventional petroleum and gas theory and evaluation, studies the geological, economic and technical characteristics of petroleum and gas reservoirs, and carries out scientific and effective exploration and evaluation of petroleum and gas resources.

Exploration Earth Physics

To carry out various geological surveys, detect, monitor and evaluate subsurface targets and processes at different spatial and temporal scales on the premise of the difference of physical properties between different materials, through the observation, treatment and interpretation of natural or artificial geophysical fields. It mainly includes gravity, magnetic method, electric method, earthquake, geothermal, nuclear physics, earth observation, etc. It mainly applies to the fields like solid mineral exploration, energy mineral exploration, hydrogeology and engineering geological environment investigation, basic geology investigation, etc, to carry out resource exploration and evaluation, dynamic evaluation of petroleum and gas reservoir, and engineering geology and hydrogeological condition evaluation.

Petroleum and Gas Field Exploration Geology

The Petroleum and Gas Field Exploration Geology is a geological application subject developed with the deepened exploration of petroleum and gas field, which mainly studies the theory and method of the dynamic coupling relation between reservoir geology and petroleum and gas field exploration. On the basis of multidisciplinary theories and methods of petroleum and gas exploration geology, geophysics, petroleum and gas production engineering, oil and gas reservoir engineering, and by means of geological statistics, stochastic modeling, imaging logging, tracer testing, computer three-dimensional processing and display, to conduct the research of single well interpretation, petroleum and gas layer comparison between wells, prediction of petroleum and gas reservoir properties among wells, detailed study of geological characteristics and changes of oil and gas reservoirs layers and relation between production dynamics of petroleum and production capacity, to verify the petroleum, gas and water distribution at different exploration phases, geological main control factors of remaining petroleum and gas distribution, and to optimize the development plan. It is mainly applied to the potential exploration and efficiency enhancement of exploration and collection in old oil and gas fields, and high efficiency development and management in petroleum and gas fields.

Geological Engineering

Geological Engineering is an interdisciplinary subject of geology and engineering, which mainly studies the theories, methods and techniques of engineering investigation, design and construction related to geological bodies. Based on the relationship between the human engineering activities and the geological environment, it utilizes methods and and techniques like geological survey, drilling (well), in-situ logging, sample test analysis, physical and numerical simulation, etc., conducts engineering geology and hydrogeological conditions evaluation, studies engineering regional stability and environmental effects, and carries out geological hazard prediction and control. It researches and develops rock and soil drilling (well) equipment, drilling (well) technology, drilling fluid and drilling (well) safety and other technologies. It develops various engineering site selection, as well as building foundation investigation, evaluation, design, construction, management, etc.

Earth Information Technology

Earth Information refers to the information related to the composition, structure and formation, state, etc., of the earth from its surface to the interior, obtained via various detection techniques. The subject direction is targeted for the theory, method and technical research of the collection, transmission, processing, interpretation and exploitation of the earth information. It uses computer and mathematical model to tap in, analyze, optimize and integrate information, reconstruct and infer geological process and result, and by relying on GIS and large object-oriented database, it effectively manages information, provides information support and service for resource exploration and development, engineering construction, geological environment evaluation and geological disaster prevention and control.

III. Basic Requirements

Basic Qualifications

Master students in the subject should have a solid basic theoretical knowledge and specialized geological knowledge, receive training on independent scientific research and special technical work, be proficient in the use of computer and relevant instruments and equipment, and possess the ability to conduct scientific researches independently and undertake relevant scientific researches, teaching, technical and business management.

In terms of professional knowledge, the master students should conduct systematic learning of certain direction of the Geological Resources and Geological Engineering subject, carry out researches, systematically master the fundamental knowledge and field work skills of the subject direction, and be proficient in the use of the basic research methods of the subject direction. Based on the scientific selection of subjects of academic dissertation, the master students should be able to apply the existing knowledge accumulation, theoretical methods and scientific research technology to carry out researches so as to further deepen the understanding of the subject direction.

In aspect of instrumental knowledge, the master students should possess the ability to conduct literature research, data inquiry, field work, experimental technique and high-performance numerical calculation, as well as data analysis and academic exchange, and be proficient in a foreign language. Literature research, data inquiry, and academic exchange are essential basic skills of a master student, which make it possible to acquire the necessary information in a certain field of the subject quickly and understand the frontier academic trends. Field geological observation skills and related data analysis, simulation and application abilities are the most basic research abilities of a master student in this discipline. They are the basis for engaging in specific research and gaining new insights.

Academic Qualifications

Master students in this discipline should have a good foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry and English, as well as a good knowledge of geology, geophysics, petroleum geology exploration, solid mineral exploration, geophysics exploration and development, etc. They should be familiar with the development trend and the frontier of the discipline, as well as the knowledge of geology related disciplines.

Ability Qualifications

The master students of this discipline should have the ability to independently engage in scientific research, technological innovation and organizational management. They should have the ability to use English in their oral communication, professional literature reading and research paper writing.

They should have a love of nature and life and an optimistic attitude to life. They should have the will to devote themselves to scientific researches in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering. They should have a spirit of advocating science and a firm and tenacious will and be brave enough to explore in the process of scientific research, and be free from temptation of anything except the academic world.

They should have active academic ideas and certain innovation awareness. They should possess critical thinking and strict logical thinking. They should have solid basic natural science knowledge and professional knowledge required by the discipline, pursue and share with others new knowledge, have the spirit of independent thinking and cooperative research, possess a sense of competition, intellectual property consciousness, environmental awareness, and value benefit consciousness in the modern society.

IV. Academic Duration and Cultivation Methods

Academic Duration

The study for master students in this subject is set for 3 years and the maximum duration of study is 5 years.

Cultivation Methods

The student should master a certain level of Chinese language through the study of Chinese language and general study about China. They should have a general understanding of Chinese culture, politics, economy and history.

The tutor shall, in accordance with the regulations on academic degrees and the training program, teach each graduate student according to their respective aptitudes, formulate a practical training plan for each student, inspect and supervise their course study, guide the students regarding the topic selection of theses, literature retrieval, research, scientific research, thesis writing and defense for academic degrees. At the same time, the tutor shall regularly check the students regarding political thoughts, professional study, work, scientific research, etc.

The responsibility of tutors shall be strengthened. The tutor is the first responsible person for the training of graduate students and has the responsibility of leading the students at the frontiers of disciplines, guiding their scientific research methods, and teaching them academic norms. Exchange and sharing of talents between scientific research institutes and enterprises should be strengthened, a team of part-time and full-time tutors shall be formed, and the role of tutor team shall be stressed.


V. Cultivating Procedures

Curriculum Study

The curriculum study implements the credit system. The discipline master student must complete a minimum of 20 points in the specified number of years. The curriculum and the credit allocation are detailed in the syllabus.


Research practice and experiment exploration is the important link to cultivate master students, and it is an important means for training master students' innovative thoughts and application ability. The main practice procedures of postgraduate cultivation in this major include:

Opening Report and Defense

The opening report shall be a detailed demonstration of the significance of the topic selected, the main research contents, the expected objective, the research methods, the implementation plan, the schedule, etc. The opening report shall be read and defended at the opening defense panel meeting, and those who pass the defense may enter the paper research stage.

Dissertation Defense

Master's degree paper shall comply with the provisions of thePresentation of Theses and Dissertations (GB/T 7713.1-2006). The paper needs to embody the theoretical knowledge and skills, analysis and problem-solving ability, and the ability of integrating theory with practice, which serves to prove the ability of scientific research and the workload of the paper. Those who pass the defense may enter the degree grant proposal phase, and those who fail the defense may apply for a second defense after six months.

Degree Paper

Literature Review Report

Literature review is the basis for the selection of topics. The student needs to read considerable domestic and foreign literature with no less than 100 papers, of which at least 1/3 should be foreign literature. The full text of the review should be no less than 10,000 words. The literature review should include:①tracing the source of the questions raised, defining the core concepts and key words;②systematically introducing the innovative viewpoints, ideas, research methods and technical routes of previous studies;③reviewing the advancement of previous research results and their defects and deficiencies, and finding out important scientific or engineering technical issues worthy of study;④putting forward the student's own viewpoints and research ideas in a reasonable way to form the basis for the argument of master dissertation.

The literature reading is an important requirement and inspection content for the academic dissertation proposal, mid-term inspection and defense links, and if a master student is lack of literature reading, his/her dissertation proposal will be refused. Literature reading is subject to spot checks. Students need to submit the title list of the surveyed literature and the full text of electronic literature during dissertation proposal, mid-term inspection and defense, and the panelists will randomly select a paper and ask questions about the contents of the literature.


Master dissertation shall be written according to the requirements of theSpecification for Post-graduate Dissertation Writing of the School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University (Trial).

A dissertation shall be written in English but the abstract must be translated into Chinese. Chinese writing of dissertation is encouraged. Dissertation defense shall be conducted in English, and defense in Chines is encouraged. Other requirements for dissertation writing and defense are carried out in accordance with related school regulations.

Quality Requirements

An academic dissertation topic should have certain theoretical significance and practical value, and can relative accurately introduce the research trends at home and abroad, clearly describe the problems needing to be solved and the solving approaches, as well as the author's research ideas, methods and technical routes, so as to reflect that the author has the ability to find problems and propose reasonable solutions to the problems.

The scientific research and experimental methods adopted in the academic dissertation should be advanced, scientific, reasonable, and feasible, the technical parameters and experimental conditions of the analytical test equipment must be rigorously demonstrated, and the test data calculation method should be appropriate and effective, so as to reflect that the author has mastered the theories, methods and techniques in the discipline studied.

The first-hand materials and data used in studies should be obtained by the author independently or the research group led by the author who should complete a total autonomous workload of not less than 60%.

The academic view of the dissertation should be clear, and the argument basis should be sufficient and reliable. There should be some insightful views or innovation in some aspects.

The contents of the dissertation should contain clear concepts, correct arguments, rigorous analysis, reliable data, and correct calculations. Dissertation writing should be well-structured, logical and concise, with clear and normative tables and diagrams and fluent expressions. The formulas and calculation program description involved in the studies should be given, and necessary raw data and the cited literature should be listed.


VI. Curriculum System and Setup

Basic Theory (8 Credits)

Basic theory course accounts for 6 credits, including public basic theory and mathematical physics basic theory, to meet training of ideological education, foreign language ability and mathematical physics basic knowledge.

Major Basics (4 Credits)

Major basic course accounts for 4 credits, and it aims to accomplish basic theory cultivation of geological resources and geological engineering related directions

Compulsory Major Course (4 Credits)

Major core course accounts for 4 credits, and it aims to accomplish basic theory cultivation of geological resources and geological engineering related directions.

Optional Major Course (4 Credits)

Optional major course accounts for 4 credits, and it aims to accomplish the knowledge system cultivation of geological resources and geological engineering related directions.

Course Type

Course Code

Course Title

Course Properties

Credit Hours





Common Basic Course


中国概况(China Panorama)











数学基础(Foundation of Mathematics)




Professional basic course


(Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology)

Professional basic course






(Advanced Structural Geology)

Professional basic course





Professional basic course




(Engineering Geological Analysis Principle)

Professional basic course




(Geoscience Spatial Analysis)

Professional basic course



Major Compulsory Courses


(Analysis of Oil and Gas Basin)

Professional core course






(The theory of oil and gas reservoirs formation)

Professional core course




(Seismic Wave Image and Inversion)

Professional core course




(Computational Method for Logging Data)

Professional core course




(Numerical Analysis of Engineering Geology)

Professional core course




(Design & Development of Geo Information System)

Professional core course




Optional Course


(Theory and Method of Development Geology)

Professional elective course






(Unconventional Petroleum Geology)

Professional elective course




(Sequence Stratigraphy)

Professional elective course




(Modern Testing Technology of Rock and Mineral)

Professional elective course




(Thin Section Analysis)

Professional elective course




(Element and Isotope Geochemistry)

Professional elective course




(Modern Signal Processing and Applications)

Professional elective course




(New Technique and new Methods of Seismic Prospecting)

Professional elective course




(New Technology and New Methods of Well Logging)

Professional elective course




(Theory and Practice of Geological Hazards)

Professional elective course




(Rock and Soil Hydromechanics)

Professional elective course




(Remote Sensing for Geo-Analysis)

Professional elective course




(Integration and Application of GPS、RS and GIS)

Professional elective course



Compulsory part

文献综述(Literature Review )

Assessed by college



(Geological Field Practice)


