报告题目:Selenium impregnated monolithic carbons as free-standing cathodes for high volumetric energy lithium and sodium metal batteries
报告人:David Mitlin教授、博士生导师、美国克拉克森大学储能研究中心主任
摘要:Selenium – lithium (Se-Li) and selenium – sodium (Se-Na) metal systems are emerging as very attractive candidates for “next generation” batteries due to their low cost and high energy. In this work we devised a highly scalable and inexpensive method to effectively double the energy per volume of Se-Li and Se-Na cells by creating monolithic electrodes instead of the usual loosely packed nano or micro powders. Meanwhile the unique architecture based on filling the void space between carbonized cellulose allowed for excellent power and cycling characteristics, as favorable as in state-of-the-art nanostructured materials. In parallel, we performed a detailed electroanalytical study on the Se-Li vs. Se-Na systems and came to a remarkable conclusion that the two are nearly identical. This was a fully confirmed but certainly an unexpected finding, since Na diffuses much more sluggishly than Li in most other battery materials.
报告人简介:David Mitlin,美国克拉克森大学教授、博士生导师、储能研究中心主任。Mitlin教授博士毕业于美国伯克利大学材料科学专业,长期致力于新型储能电池及器件的研究。持有5项美国授权发明专利,发表学术论文130余篇,论文年均被引用1500余次,H因子达到42。担任Journal of Materials Science 主编,Sustainable Energy & Fuels (RSC)副主编。
